After getting the chance to binge the first 3 episodes of Amazon’s The Wheel of Time (WOT) last week, we had to wait until Friday for episode 4. So, let’s jump into our weekly episode review. Warning - spoilers ahead! Also, if you missed it, you can check out our review of the first three episodes here.
We Meet Another Potential Dragon Reborn
The episode picks up where episode 3 left off, as we officially meet Logain Ablar, a man who can channel the one power and has proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn. We see him overthrow a kingdom to begin growing his army in a flashback scene, before returning to the present, where he is in the custody of the Aes Sedai.
Moraine, Lan, and Nynaeve run into a group of Aes Sedai and their Warders who are shielding Logain from using the one power as they take him back to the One Tower, where he will be judged and potentially dealt with. He is clearly powerful, as it takes at least 2 Aes Sedai on watch to keep him shielded at all times.
Moraine is healed by one of her Aes Sedai sisters and we begin to learn a bit more about the Aes Sedai hierarchy and structure. The Aes Sedai are split into different groups, called Aja, each represented by a color that then becomes the predominant color of their clothing. Moraine is from the Blue Aja (intellectuals and spies). We also meet Liandrin from the Red Aja, and Kerene (of the Green Aja).
The Red Aja is focused on finding, capturing, and ‘gentling’ men who can channel the One Power (meaning they sever their connection to the power). Members of the Green Aja are focused on battle magic, but can also heal. They all serve under the will of the Amyrlin Seat, one Aes Sedai who has been chosen to lead them all.
The Aes Sedai Camp (Moraine, Lan, Nynaeve)
As Moraine works with her sisters to shield Logain, Nynaeve warms up to Lan and the other Warders, as she learns more about the Aes Sedai, along with the viewers. In the midst of this interlude, Logain’s army finds the camp and attacks, hoping to free their leader. While the battle rages in the forest, with Warders and Aes Sedai trying to hold back the army, Logain is able to break free of his shielding, defeating Kerene and Liandrin with seeming ease.
Moraine then confronts him, questioning him to assess if he truly is the Dragon Reborn. But, it’s clear she is also buying time for her sisters to recover. She tells Logain that the voices in his head are not past Dragons, but instead are proof that the madness is taking him. She also explains that while he is powerful, that the true Dragon Reborn’s power will be like the sun, compared to his, which is just a candle.
The three Aes Sedai (Moraine, Liandrin, and Kerene) are able to subdue Logain again, but only after Kerene is killed. Her Warder loses control and attacks Logain, allowing him to break free again, mortally wounding Lan, Moraine, and many other Aes Sedai and Warders.
But, as he is about to leave, Nynaeve taps into the One Power for the first time, unleashing a huge burst of power that heals all of the wounded and incapacitates Logain. The healed Aes Sedai decide he must immediately be gentled and all work together to cut off Logain’s access to the power.
Clearly, this massive amount of power (like the radiant sun) is meant to suggest Nynaeve may be the Dragon Reborn. But, is she?

The Tuatha’an (Egwene and Perrin)
Meanwhile, Egwene and Perrin have fallen in with the Tinkers. They learn about the Tinkers’ philosophy (The Wa of the Leaf) which is a form of extreme pacifism and non-violence. One young Tinker, Aram, takes a liking to Egwene but learns of her attachment to Rand, whom she loves. We also learn that they are searching for a song that has been lost.
Perin’s suppressed guilt (we assume it’s just suppressed since he really doesn’t ever mention it) for killing his own wife accidentally, is suggested when the leader of the Tinkers asks him whether his life has been better since he picked up his axe. That’s about all we get from these characters at this point.
In the Country (Rand and Mat)
Rand and Mat have fallen in with Thom the Gleeman, and spend the night at a small farm, befriending the farmer and his family after convincing them they aren’t thieves. Mat is beginning to act strangely and Rand is plagued by nightmares. Thom suggests that Mat may be channeling the One Power and going mad, as his own nephew once did.
However, we see that the evil power of the city they were trapped in during the last episode seems to have attached itself to Mat through the dagger he stole from the city. We can see he is beginning to lose his mind a bit. Thom and Mat awaken to find Mat inside the family’s house with a dagger in his hand and dead bodies strewn about.
While we initially think Mat has done it, a Fade appears in the room. Thom sends Mat and Rand from the room while he takes on the Fade himself, showing that he is obviously a bit more than a simple troubadour. We don’t know exactly how this fight turns out, as the show shifts perspective before it is resolved.
What have we Learned?
The Narrative Structure - The show is following a similar narrative structure as the books, where the main characters spend a great deal of time separated, with chapters devoted to the perspective of each one. So, the show currently has the storyline split into three parts.
Who is the Dragon Reborn - We’re still in the dark officially. It’s safe to remove Mat at this point, despite Thom’s opinion, since we know he is infected with the dark magic of Shadar Logoth. Is it Nynaeve? The show certainly wants us to think so. Is it Rand? One of the darkfriends from episode 3 seemed to suggest it might be him.
Stay tuned for our episode 5 review next week!