Wednesday's seventh episode opens with the mayor's burial. Wednesday spots someone standing outside the cemetery watching the funeral procession and follows them into the woods. Her uncle Fester turns out to be an enigmatic figure. After having a run-in with the cops, he is in town to hide out. He goes to the school's Beehouse on Wednesday to stay dry.
Her uncle offers to assist her with the investigation and provides the monster's name. The beast is referred to as Hyde. In the Nightshades' hidden room, he informs her about an old diary. The journal belonged to a man named Faulkner who traveled the globe compiling a list of the underdog population.
Enid returns to the room after the funeral to get some items she left behind while trying to check in on Wednesday. Unfortunately, they have a new dispute, and this time she leaves angry.
Later that evening, Wednesday discovers Xavier as he enters the covert Nightshade's room. He feels that she is treating him unfairly, so they argue. He explains to her that her issue is a lack of awareness of her true friends. She continues to treat him with suspicion despite the fact that he has always been on her side and saved her life.
She questions him about his continued appearances following the monster attack. He maintains he has never seen the creature despite her pointing out his drawings. Given that she believes he is the monster, he inquires as to why she believes he has not already killed her. She responds that it's probably because he likes her. Uncle Fester shows her the diary as Xavier departs.
She brings the diary along and discovers that Hydes are naturally creative people who underwent a mutation.