The "Scary Movie" franchise is set to return with a reboot, written and produced by the Wayans brothers in collaboration with Rick Alvarez. This upcoming installment, releasing on June 12, 2026, marks the first time the Wayans have teamed up again after a hiatus of 18 years.
"Scary Movie" (2000) made cinematic history as one of the most profitable R-rated horror films, with an opening of $42.5 million. This figure set a record for horror films and for a Black director at the time. The franchise was initiated by Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans, and Keenen Ivory Wayans.
Keenen Ivory Wayans directed and wrote the first two films, while Marlon Wayans and Shawn Wayans contributed by acting and penning the initial two installments. This reboot will be the sixth addition to the franchise.
Miramax is the studio managing the franchise, with Paramount Pictures handling worldwide release. Marlon Wayans revealed the release date on his Instagram, sparking excitement among fans.
The Wayans brothers had previously expressed their dissatisfaction over Harvey Weinstein's controversial role in taking the franchise away from them. This unhappy sentiment arose following what they referred to as a "crappy" contract with Miramax for the first movie, which caused a ripple effect of problems. Though the Wayans did share ideas for "Scary Movie 3," they had no involvement in the forth and fifth films. Marlon Wayans shared his belief that the franchise couldn't succeed without their humor and unique comedic style, citing their "200 years of comedy" experience collectively.