
WandaVision Finale – Primer and Predictions

A few predictions for the season finale of WandaVision


We’re just days away from the final episode of WandaVision (Season 1 anyway). The series has generated a huge amount of interest and the weekly release schedule has allowed for fan theories to really come to life. Much like hugely popular series like Lost and Game of Thrones, fans have taken the time to dig into each episode, looking for hints of what’s to come. Like Game of Thrones, WandaVision fans have a wealth of mythology and backstory to sift through as part of the comic books. However, the fact that Marvel Cinematic Universe content uses the comics for inspiration, but does not follow them exactly, makes these predictions both more challenging and in the end, likely a lot more fun.

With the finale set to air on Disney Plus on March 5, let’s take a look at some open questions that we hope will be resolved by the end of the last 60 minutes of WandaVision – and some ideas about how things might turn out.  

Will There be a Season 2?

Let’s get the most obvious question out of the way. Is WandaVision just a one-season special event or will it return for a season 2? Marvel and Disney have been entirely close-lipped about any additional WandaVision content after season 1. So, honestly, we have no idea. On one hand, the series has been a big success. Successful series tend to be renewed for a second season (for better or worse sometimes). However, MCU series may not follow the usual rules of TV series. Does Marvel want them to be money-making machines on their own or are the series geared toward filling in gaps between the films and driving the overall MCU story along? We should know more after the end of season 1. If it ends on a cliffhanger, you get a pretty good idea that there is more to come, unless…

Will a Cliffhanger Lead into a new MCU Movie?

There has been a lot of speculation about whether WandaVision might lead us right into a movie like Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. We’ve heard that Wanda is expected to be a character in that film and perhaps the altered reality of WandaVision will play directly into the whole multiverse idea in the MCU. One reason this might not make sense is that the next Doctor Strange movie is currently slated for release in 2022. That’s a long time to wait on a cliffhanger from WandaVision. Still, this could very well be the case.  

Prediction: I think we will get a cliffhanger. A lot of plot points will be resolved, but the ending will lead us into more Marvel content. I’m going with the idea that it will dovetail into Doctor Strange, possibly with another movie or series in between.

Is Agnes the Big Villain After All?

Theories about who might be the true villain in WandaVision have been evolving since the first episode. Comic villains like Mephisto (related to Agatha Harkness), Dormammu, SWORD Director Hayward, Loki, Chthon? A lot of fans were suspicious of Agnes for a while and the reveal that she is actually Agatha Harkness wasn’t a huge surprise. But, people felt like there must be someone else behind the scenes. Marvel has a history of revealing the real ‘big bag’ slowly over multiple films. Thanos, who was obviously the ultimate villain of the entire Avengers series, was initially teased or just referred to in multiple movies before coming to the center stage for Infinity Ward and Endgame. Is something similar happening here? 

Prediction: I like the idea of the slow reveal coming into play here. So, Agnes will be the villain of WandaVision, but we will get a teaser that just maybe she is working for someone else, like Mephisto.

What’s up with the Two Visions?

By the end of episode 8, we learned a few things about Vision. The Vision who lives in Westview appears to be entirely created from Wanda’s magic. We initially thought she had stolen his body and reanimated him somehow, but now we know that was a fake-out. Instead, Vision’s body remained in SWORD custody until they reanimated him using Wanda’s energy at the end of episode 8, but turning him alabaster in the process. So, now we have our ‘created from magic’ Vision and White Vision likely to face off at some point in the finale. The comics give us something to work with here, as White Vision came into being when the original Vision was damaged and had to be rebuilt. When he came back, he was missing his memories and went on a violent rampage. He was eventually restored to some semblance of the original Vision and re-joined the Avengers. So, what should we expect from the series?

Prediction: We will see a Vision v. Vision throwdown and in the end, ‘our’ Vision will somehow transfer his consciousness into White Vision. The alternative is that we get to watch Vision die again. That’s a lot to ask of MCU fans, and it might just drive Wanda completely over the edge… which of course could be the whole point.  Hmmm…

Who the heck is Fietro (aka Fake Pietro)?

The appearance of Evan Peters as Wanda’s dead brother Pietro rocked fans to the core. This must be the official recognition of the multiverse since Peters played a version of the same character (Quicksilver) in the X-Men franchise! Fan imaginations spiraled at the implications. Magneto is coming to WandaVision! This is the official entry of the X-Men into the MCU! However, after listening to Agnes’ explanation about ‘Fietro’ we’re not so sure anymore. Maybe this was just a very fun casting easter egg for MCU fans, rather than an actual plot revelation. Would Marvel mess with their fans’ minds like this?


Prediction: This was just Marvel messing with our minds. The X-Men will indeed make an appearance in the MCU in the not too distant future, but this will have nothing to do with it. 

Are the Twins Real?

Circling back on the idea that the Westview Vision was created by Wanda’s magic and seemingly can’t exist outside of her influence, what’s up with the twins? If Wanda created them herself (potentially influenced by Agnes) are they just figments of Wanda’s magic that can only exist within her alternate reality Westview? Or, maybe the twins were actually kids from town that Agnes has brainwashed and inserted into Wanda’s reality? This could be the most potentially devastating aspect of the finale. What if the twins can’t continue to exist once Westview returns to reality, which we assume must happen? Are we going to have to watch Wanda experience the loss of her children?  

Prediction: Somehow, the twins survive in the real world. It just seems too dark for Marvel and Disney to kill off the kids, even if they would have been technically imaginary. Of course, this would play right into pushing Wanda entirely over the edge into madness if that’s the endpoint of the show. But, we’re going to go with the idea that the twins will survive and become part of the Young Avengers team that is in the works for the MCU. This makes sense because, in the comics, Wanda’s twin sons were both a part of that group. Plus, the powers the twins have shown are right in line with their comic-book alter egos. 

Let’s see how we do with our predictions once the finale comes out!