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WandaVision Episode 7 Recap - With Spoilers

We are down to the final two episodes of the first (and maybe only?) season of WandaVision after an eventful Episode 7 last week. It’s been such a fun ride for Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) fans and a real departure from anything they have created previously. It has been strange, sometimes confusing, filled with easter eggs and clues about what is really going on, and packed with twists and turns. 

Let’s dive into Episode 7 - Spoilers Ahead!

So, it was Agnes/Agatha All Along! (we think anyway)

Any regular watcher of WandaVision who also brings either knowledge or interest in both the larger MCU and Marvel Comics, has been aware that there are tons of little easter eggs in every episode. Sometimes they are likely just fun references for the serious fans to enjoy (and obsess over), but other times they are real clues to what is happening in this mysterious show.

One of the biggest mysteries and fan theories has been exactly what is going on with Wanda’s neighbor Agnes. She has been the one real constant among the small number of regular neighbor co-stars on the weekly WandaVision sitcoms. But, is she just the stereotypical nosy neighbor from sitcom land or is she something more?  Fans quickly latched on to her name - Agnes - and tied it to a character from various Marvel Comics about Wanda, where she had a nemesis and later mentor, named Agatha Harkness.  So… Agatha Harkness becomes Agnes. Agatha is a witch and drives several storylines around Wanda’s children. 

Well, we finally got the reveal and indeed, Agnes is Agatha Harkness and she is behind it all! At least the new show opening and behind-the-scenes info tell us it was all her doing! On the surface, this seems to answer a lot of questions. But, this show is filled with misdirection, so let’s not jump to conclusions just yet, because Agatha does indeed have a complicated storyline in the comics, where she is both a villain and later a hero who helps Wanda learn to control her powers. 

So, I think it’s safe to say there may be an even bigger villain still waiting in the wings. I mean, who is Agatha’s husband Ralph she keeps talking about but who we have never seen? What was up with the weird giant cicada climbing on the drapery in Agatha’s’ house?

Monica Gets Her Super On

WandaVision Episode 7 Recap - With Spoilers

We’ve all assumed that Monica was going to follow at least some part of her comic book origin story and end up with superpowers. Well, it appears that traveling through Wanda’s barrier three times does the charm and she is clearly now something more than human. Darcy told her that the x-rays and tests run by SWORD showed that the barrier had changed her at a molecular level, so it wasn’t a big surprise when she emerged from the barrier with glowing eyes and changed vision. We still don’t know what it all means, but it looks like she may take on a version of her Spectrum powers from the comics, where she had command over various types of energy. We also know from other MCU announcements that Monica will appear in the next Captain Marvel movie, so stay tuned!

The Commercials

So, we’ve been given a new commercial to chew over in each sitcom episode of WandaVision. Much like everything else in the series, fans have had a lot of fun going down the rabbit hole on what they mean. If there was any doubt they had additional meanings (which there weren’t) the latest episode gave us “Nexus” an antidepressant that helps ‘anchor you back to reality or the reality of your choice.” Add to that the comic book mythology where Wanda is a Nexus Being, one who shapes probability, time, and reality. So, let’s just say that each of these commercials has definite info for us about what might be happening.  

Vision is Being Kept Away 

So, Vision is revived by being back inside the barrier, and he wakes up Darcy to give him the full backstory on who he is and what is going out outside of Westview. But, someone (Wana? Agatha?) is putting up silly hurdles to keep them from getting back to town. Vision eventually flies away toward the house, but doesn’t arrive before the end of the episode. 

We only have two episodes left to wrap up the story. Who else thinks we’re going to take at least one more sitcom standby and end the show on a cliffhanger, that might lead to season 2 or more likely to the next MCU movie?

Stay Tuned!