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WandaVision Episode 3 Recap

Spoilers Ahead!  Last week, we posted a review of WandaVision, based on watching the first two episodes. Check out that article for a quick refresher on where things stand. Now that we’ve seen episode 3, things are definitely taking a turn.  So, buckle up and we’ll dive right in.  Did I mention Spoilers Ahead?

First off, a quick summary of what happens or at least appears to happen in episode 3. In the first two episodes, we suddenly found our two Avengers in first a 50s sitcom in black and white, then a 60s sitcom in color. The story to date left viewers with far more questions than answers, as to just what on earth is going on?

Episode 3 kicks off where we left off, except now we’re in the 1970s, and a very good impression of a Brady Bunch episode.  Right down to various architectural details from the Brady home.  We also pick up the story with a suddenly pregnant Wanda who is moving toward her delivery day at an incredibly fast pace, and after one impromptu visit from the town doctor, twin boys are born - Billy and Tommy. The loving parents are thrilled at the new additions to their family. But, as with the series to date, we know things are not as they seem.

Rewinding the Tape

We’ve already seen once before where Wanda appears to turn back time or ‘rewind’ the show’s videotape when something upsetting happens. In a previous episode, this was the appearance of a strange man in a beekeeper suit, crawling out of a manhole (yes, I know how bizarre that sounds in general). In this episode, Vision at one point voices suspicions about how very strange the world around them is, and there is a ‘glitch’ in the show and it bounces back a few seconds and now Vision has no suspicions. It very much seems that Wanda is in control of this occurrence.  

The Neighbors

Vision has an odd conversation with two neighbors, Agnes and Herb, where they ask him about another neighbor, Geraldine who has just gone into the house to see Wanda. They seem to be warning Vision about her in some way and mention that she has “no home”. After Vision pressed them about what they mean about Geraldine not having a home, Herb appears to be about to spill the beans about something very important about what is going on, before Agnes cuts him off.  Herb says that Geraldine “…came here because we’re all…”.  Vision then races into the house to check on Wanda. 

WandaVision Episode 3 Recap


Recurring visitor Geraldine shows up at the house as Wanda is getting ready to go into labor. As Wanda’s powers cause temporary havoc in the house, Geraldine eventually helps deliver the twins. Afterward, Wanda begins singing a song to the babies in her native Sokovian. Wanda also recalls that she had a twin brother, named Pietro. We remember Pietro, who died in Avengers: Age of Ultron. Geraldine carefully asks Wanda about Pietro “He was killed by Ultron, wasn’t he?” After a moment, Wanda breaks her sitcom character, becoming quite menacing, asks Geraldine who she really is, and suggests it’s time for her to go. When Vision suddenly bursts in seconds later, Geraldine is gone. We then see Geraldine being thrown through some type of electric field, land in the grass, and military vehicles swarming around her. 

So, What Do We Think is Happening?

So, fan theories are more than abundant on the internet, but here are a few things that are starting to make sense and some others to watch for in the future.

Wanda is in control… at least partly. Her ‘rewinds’ in two episodes, literally throwing Geraldine out of the town/reality, and the fact that her powers clearly impact the reality in the town of Westview all suggest that Wanda is in some way controlling things. Whether she knows it entirely or not may be up for debate, but her reaction to Geraldine suggests that underneath her sitcom character, Wanda knows what is happening.

What was Herb about to say? “She came here because we’re all…” Fan theories have focused on three good possibilities. Trapped, Dead, or Being Watched. The first two are getting the most play, with the idea being that either Wanda has taken over a real town and pulled residents into her alternate reality or that perhaps, like Vision, all the characters died (maybe in Sokovia) and Wanda has brought them back. 

Geraldine knows what’s happening. Until this episode, we haven’t seen any characters suggest they know what is going on, but now we have Geraldine asking about a real-world event, and Agnes and Herb both suggesting they know a lot more than they are letting on, but are playing along for some reason. 

Don’t get us started on the occasional ‘commercial’ break during each episode that shows various Stark Enterprises and Hydra products, or the fact that the same two actors keep appearing in those commercials. Beekeeper man? Sword logos? We’re still in the dark.

Check back next week!