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Vikings Valhalla Episode 5 Recap

We’re halfway through the first season of the new Netflix series, Vikings: Valhalla! Here’s a recap of episode 5.

Back Home

With all the battle action going on down south in England, let’s not forget that Freydis is back home in Norway! Remember at this point, Jarl urged her to go to Uppsala, the pagan temple, to learn her destiny. On the way, her and her friends were attacked by a Christian zealot, who apparently had more zealot friends. 

At Uppsala, she partakes in a ceremony. Looks a little sacrificial, but apparently it just induces visions. She sees herself as a falcon, flying through a desolate village that has obviously been recently attacked. The village people call out to her, but she runs. 

When she wakes up, she sees the same falcon on a rock nearby. Or did she wake up? This might be a second vision, where she comes upon a blind “Seer”. He warns her the cries she heard will grow stronger, and calls her “The Last”.

Hostage Situation

Meanwhile, after battle, the Viking forces have entered London. Cnut and Harald have Edmund and Godwin hostage, while Olaf has Emma hostage, but secretly. 

They talk, and we realize the two are familiar. Olaf used to give King Aethelred counsel. Olaf wants a large payment–the royal treasure–and threatens her two sons to get it.

Cnut speaks with Harald. Remember, Harald was introduced in the first episode as the Prince of Norway, along with being half-brother to Olaf. So we’re not quite sure how the succession plays out here. Apparently, Harald is under the impression that the throne will go to him. But Cnut informs him that Olaf has a secret 12-year-old son named Magnus that has been promised the throne. Although they are not close, Harald feels betrayed by his half-brother and realizes he can no longer trust him. 

As a result, Harald agrees to help Cnut with whatever he needs, including rescuing Emma and her children from Olaf and bringing her under his protection.

Vikings Valhalla Episode 5 Recap

Wartime Spoils

At a dinner feast that night, Cnut celebrates his victory over the English. The soldiers have gathered in the hall, but at the head table are Cnut, Olaf, Harald, Queen Emma, Edmund, Leif, and Edric, the Mercian elderman. 

Cnut goes around to everyone at the table with a little something to say. Leif wins high accolades for his plan to pull London bridge down. Not only is his debt for Freydis paid, but he has earned his own namesake, apart from the legacy of his father’s. 

Olaf is awarded a gold chest full of treasures for his military assistance and ship supply. Harald is given praise for military assistance as well. 

But … Cnut reveals there’s a betrayal in his midst. He beheads the Mercian elderman because he wants to take the English throne for himself. He doesn’t intend to leave England with any other appointed king in place. 

Faith and Miracles

Leif sits with Harald after dinner and questions his religion. When he was first wounded in the marshes, a young girl placed a Christian cross in his hands. He believed it saved his life. He places that same cross in Liv’s hands after she was gravely injured, and it saved hers. 

Is Christinaity really the one true religion? Harald tells him those are miracles, acts performed by God. But also warns him that miracles come with a price. 

Meanwhile, Freydis prays at Uppsala while a storm gathers outside. The friend she left back at the woman’s house has been found by the Christian zealot and his gang of mercenaries.