Where We Left Off
We open on a very bloody battle scene in Kent. Last episode, the Viking longships decided to attack London from the south. Olaf comes upon a trap door in one of the buildings and finds a noble woman and her two maids hiding.
Brought before the Viking feast after their war victory, she informs them all that King Aethelred is already dead.
Meanwhile, Edmund argues with his mother, Emma of Normandy, about involving the kingdom of Mercia. He fears they will steal the glory of battle against the Vikings, thereby undermining Edmund's (new) power.
He ups is sparring training in the courtyard. But Godwin, the royal advisor, warns him of getting a big head. He grabs a sword instead and easily knocks Edmund off his feet, showing him that his skills are nowhere near where he thinks they are. Later, Edmund is coronated.

The Vikings clean up after the battle, getting rid of the dead bodies. Lief watches Harald do it and wonders aloud whether he is really Christian, or more brutish Viking. Harald argues he can be both. But Lief doesn't want glory from blood--he is searching for his own path.
The Vikings make their way through the marshes on foot and by night. But they're ambushed by a seige of arrows. Lief is gravely injured and left on the battlefield. But Harald comes back the next day and saves his life.
They decide to make a 2-man only journey up the river in a small canoe to get their reconnaissance about the bridge in London.
Hold on! We haven't forgotten about Freydis. Last time, all the women were left back in Kattegat, Norway. Jarl told Freydis visiting Uppsala was a Viking must. So that's where Freydis and her homegang are currently headed (and Uppsala is in Sweden).
On their travels, they're ambushed by a man who seems Viking, but is wearing a cross. After a brief fight, Freydis is the only one left, barely. Her friend is gravely injured. She finds a home on the way and begs the woman there for help.
There, she learns the man who attacked her hunts pilgrims on the way to Uppsala. But the woman is clearly unnerved. She insists Freydis has to leave right away. We see why soon. The rest of the man's "posse" arrives at the scene and see their friend dead.