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Unstable - Season 1, Episode 4 Recap

In episode 4 of Unsable, Anna tells Ellis that many memes have been made based on his absurd picture. Ellis, being Ellis, is mentally chatting with her as she discusses damage management. He informs Anna he is in a tree with monkeys when she wakes him up. Later, Anna tells him that Jean, his best boardroom ally, has come to help.

See Also: Unstable - Season 1, Episode 3 Recap

While Malcolm is out getting coffee, he bumps into a human resources employee. They have a strange and uncomfortable discussion about spanking. Ellis is happy to see Jean again. She then inquires about his well-being, and he reveals that he misses his wife. It's ironic that she does, too. She says she's sorry for missing the board meeting and that she and the other members have been discussing finding someone to replace him. She recommends he work in the lab to make amends, and he agrees.

In the laboratory, Ruby and Luna discuss Jackson. Ruby informs Luna that she has a crush on Jackson and wants to date him if Luna is cool with it. Ruby agrees not to see him after Luna shows subtle indications that she isn't. Then, Malcolm walks in and confides in Ruby and Luna. He says he has a crush on the human resources guy but is scared to ask him out for fear of being fired. So that he can confidently ask the HR man out, Ruby suggests they use science to determine whether or not he likes him.

Anna tells Jackson, Luna, and Ruby that Ellis has chosen to begin working, and then she directs him to the lab. After that, Anna leaves. As Ellis works with the microscope, he starts sobbing uncontrollably; Jackson tries to comfort him but to no avail. Blackmailing the board's sisters to keep quiet and spare Ellis' feelings, Anna visits them at their home. She then threatens to show their discrimination-aware friends an embarrassing video of them behaving like pilgrims. They retreat afterward.

At Jean's home, we see Jean and Jackson jamming on their instruments. The two then discuss when Jackson witnessed his father sobbing in the lab. Then, Jean insists that he pitch in and aid his dad in handling the crisis. After Ellis and his therapist have become friends, the latter proposes that Ellis take a break from his current situation by traveling to Spain with him. After that, Jackson enters and shares the lab incident with his father. Then, Jackson tells him that pinching his butt helps when feeling stressed. Ellis thanks Jackson for his insight, and Jackson tells him that the suffering keeps him grounded.

The following day, the sisters visit Anna at work and find her embarrassing fan fiction about the workplace. If she shares their videos, they threaten to reveal them to her coworkers as blackmail. Ruby and Luna figure out how to ask the HR guy if he favors Malcolm and advise Malcolm on what to do next in the lab. It comes out that the HR guy has feelings for him, but things don't progress. Additionally, the experiment reveals that Luna is freaked out by the possibility that Jackson also has feelings for her, so she invites Ruby to go out with him.

Unstable is now streaming on Netflix.