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Unstable - Season 1, Episode 3 Recap

Ellis is thrilled that Jackson is joining his company at the start of Unstable episode three. Ellis asks Jackson if he wants to go out for sushi for dinner, and Jackson responds that he already has arrangements. This makes Ellis unhappy. Then, Ellis' therapist shows up at his house and lets him know that he wants to re-move in. At first, Ellis balks, but as the therapist prods him, he relents.

See Also: Unstable - Season 1, Episode 2 Recap

Ellis is advised by Jackson not to overreact to his joining his company. Ellis nevertheless hosts a welcoming party at his place of business, which makes Jackson uneasy. Then Jackson asks Ruby out, and she accepts.

Anna asks Ellis if he called reporter Allison Davis to visit their workplace for a couple of days. He says yes. Ellis justifies his actions by claiming that it is a good way to change the narrative of the latest negative press. Anna warns him that having Allison Davis snooping around is not a good idea, but he refuses to listen.

Thereafter, Anna tries to prepare for the reporters’ visit. This includes getting rid of Ellis’ peculiar things and telling Jackson to make the researchers in the lab look cool.

Ellis meets with the reporter, and the first question she asks is about his deteriorating mental health following the death of his wife. Following that, she digs a little deeper, and Ellis initially answers all of her questions very well, but he eventually talks strangely, giving the impression that he likes his hawk.

The reporter is then taken to the lab by Anna to meet Ruby and Luna, two researchers. In an effort to seem cool, Luna tells the reporter with assurance that they have cured gravity. Jackson tells Ellis about his date with Ruby in the meantime, and Ellis gives him some advice on how to enjoy it: act as if you don't care. Jackson informs Ruby later that day that he doesn't care if she tells him about her cat, ruining their date.

The next day, Ellis tells Anna that Jackson is no longer requesting his assistance. He should help Jackson become the finest version of himself, suggests Anna.

Luna makes matters worse by alleging that they have secret code phrases because they believe Elon Musk is spying on them in an effort to resolve the gravity situation with the reporter. Anna finally puts an end to the conflict by informing the reporter that Luna's mental state is getting worse.

Jackson expresses regret to Ruby for his date-night remark that he doesn't care. Afterward he admits to being anxious and acting on his father's advice. In order to impress Ruby and win her forgiveness, he also expresses his concern for her and offers her cat a toy.

Later that day, the reporter hears Ellis’ voice and follows it to find out what happened. Because he has his head in a jar, Anna tries to conceal him with an invisibility cloak. Unfortunately, she puts on the invisibility cloak backward, and the reporter photographs Ellis looking strange. The reporter then publishes that photograph in a magazine, further complicating matters.

Season 1 of Unstable is now streaming on Netflix.