'Dead Boy Detectives' by Netflix is a show that would seem a haven for those who enjoy the melancholic and macabre. Its central characters-Edwin (George Rexstrew) and Charles (Jayden Revri)-are ghostly teens who were bullied to death seven decades apart at a British boarding school. They now assist other lost souls in finding closure, all the while evading agents of Death.
Despite its dark and gloomy premise, the show offers more than just melancholy. It's not without its darker and sadder moments, but it never loses its humorous and entertaining edge, thanks to the captivating primary cast and cheeky humor.
The show oscillates between procedural plots and serialized teen drama across its eight episodes. The initial case is a significant one, as it introduces a new member to the team-psychically-endowed Crystal (Kassius Nelson). She assists the boys in making contact with the living while dealing with her feelings for Charles, a charismatic troublemaker from the 80s, much to Edwin's chagrin.
The trio embark on all sorts of eerie adventures while grappling with their emotions and identities in a room rented from a grumpy gothic butcher, Briana Cuoco's Jenny.
'Dead Boy Detectives,' a spinoff to 'Doom Patrol' then later 'Sandman,' weaves melancholy, spookiness, and irreverence together in its narrative. Its world is characterized by mysterious green and purple shadows, bizarre small-town Washington happenings, and a strictly bureaucratic afterlife. The supporting cast's larger-than-life performances make for intriguing characters such as Esther (Jenn Lyons), a revenge-seeking witch and the Cat King (Lukas Gage), a playful shapeshifter.

The main characters also deal with more relatable self-discovery journeys, with Edwin's journey of embracing love standing out the most. However, the others' narratives struggle to maintain momentum or weight and occasionally come across as sudden or disconnected.
The Dead Boy Detective agency's mission, to ensure other souls aren't neglected as they were, is both poignant and moving. But the series shies away from delving into this angst to maintain a lively atmosphere, offering zany plots and warm chemistry instead.
The appeal of 'Dead Boy Detectives' ultimately lies in the camaraderie of these otherworldly children who are united by their will to do the right thing. The heart of the show is the strong bond between Charles and Edwin, a loyalty that has grown stronger with decades.
'Dead Boy Detectives' may not provoke extreme devotion with its first season, but it stands as a consistently engaging venture that easily transforms into a delightful binge-watchable series.