"Unfrosted: The Pop-Tarts Story" brought with it high expectations owing to its well-crafted production but, unfortunately, managed to leave viewers cold with its narrative disorientation. A Jerry Seinfeld production, the show's premise revolves around a fictional tale of breakfast cereal rivalry set in 1963, intending to portray a processed food version of the space race.
Despite a promising concept, "Unfrosted" disappointed on several fronts; carelessly mixing fact with fiction, it seemed to demonstrate disregard for a more realistic account of the history between cereal giants, Kellogg's and Post. Its misuse of real historical figures combined with foolishly invented characters, including Jerry Seinfeld's portrayal of a made-up Kellogg's executive, Bob Cabana, and Amy Schumer's portrayal of the real-life Marjorie Post, failed to provide a satisfactory comedic effect or a strong narrative sense.
Transformed into an almost Seinfeld standup routine on Pop-Tarts, "Unfrosted" displays an apparent lack of passion, becoming an immaculately produced but directionless comedy. It adds tedious details without any discernible intention or admiration for the brands it exploits for narrative fodder, failing to bring love for consumer products or film parody in its execution.

The film's use of historical figures such as the creator of Sea Monkeys, Jack LaLanne, and Steve Schwinn doesn't make a comical impact as was likely intended. Any connection to real events or characters from history is lost in the morass of forced humor, making the film not only a miss in illustrating its central theme but also in delivering engaging content. Drawn-out subplots and needless detail fail to positively contribute to the overall outcome.
Despite its flashy exterior, detailed aesthetics and alongside the plethora of viewing options on streaming platforms, the delicious promise of "Unfrosted" feels underbaked, becoming a critic-proof, artistry-proof and viewer-proof movie for all its effort. The humor attempted falls flat, leaving viewers with a comedy film that lost track of its premise, delivering only a sense of emptiness.