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The Becomers (2024) - Movie Review

In "The Becomers," a unique fusion of immigrant tales and science fiction masterminded by writer-director Zach Clark, the audience is tossed into a captivating narrative revolving around extraterrestrials. These aliens arrive on Earth and begin assuming human forms, exploring the unfamiliar realm of our mundane existence in a manner both humorous and disquieting.

Filmed primarily in the greater Chicago area, the movie bombards viewers with its intriguing premise from the outset. Centering on the alien vantage point, rather than that of their human counterparts, the film offers an unconventional take on classic science fiction tropes.

The protagonists are an alien couple, refugees from a dying planet, aiming to reunite and start anew on Earth. Their journey isn’t without its challenges, but they ultimately succeed in leading an outwardly normal suburban American life. The alien roles are depicted by a roster of diverse actors, emulating the shifting nature of the extraterrestrial experience. The ensemble cast comprises Isabel Alamin, Molly Plunk, Victoria Misu, and Mike Lopez, with occasional narration from the subtly amusing Russell Mael.

Maintaining their disguise is crucial in their strange new world. Initial indications of their alien nature, such as glowing pink eyes, are cleverly concealed. Comical missteps and odd behavior are shrugged off as mere human quirks. Their interactions with actual humans are eccentric yet endearing, as they teeter between awkward and downright hilarious imitations of human behavior.

The Becomers (2024) - Movie Review

Clarks' depiction of American suburbia is strikingly ordinary – devoid of glamour but rich in nuance. Shot by Darryl Pittman, the movie portrays the receding small-town America of the mid-20th century, capturing the transition from open, exhilarating escape routes to symbols of fear and deprivation.

Despite the fascinating premise, Clark's execution may occasionally falter, spending an arguably unnecessary amount of time exploring a plotline involving a rather cliched extremist cult, and engaging in black-comedy political kidnapping.

Yet, the film's true heart lies in the relationship between the alien couple. Their bond presents a parody of typical American domestic peace while also heartwarmingly endorsing it. "The Becomers" stands as a manifestation of the intricate dynamics of relationships and the comforting familiarity of love, even amidst chaotic uncertainties.