Even when it isn’t Halloween season, who doesn’t love a scary movie? Well, my wife doesn’t, but I definitely do! Now let’s face it, a lot of horror movies aren’t really that scary. Others just rely on jump scares, which are fine and all, but kind of easy. Personally, I’m a fan of movies that mix in a few jump scares with some honestly creep, haunting type of content. So, here is my list of top 5 scary movies to watch during October.
#1: Halloween (the original)
The original Halloween from 1978 is an absolute classic when it comes to scary movies. Often imitated and remade, but this is one where the original beats all the ones that came after. Now, it has what horror fans would consider to be an all-too-familiar plot, featuring a deranged and seemingly unstoppable killer who kills a group of teenagers on Halloween. but, remember that it largely created most of these now standard plot ideas. The Final Girl, an unstoppable, silent, mast-wearing killer, teens who get picked off one by one. There are so many. But, the main thing is that it is downright scary. I still remember the scene where the Final Girl has just seemingly dispatched the killer (Michael Myers) by stabbing him in the eye with a coat hanger. You see her in the foreground slumped over in shock. In the background, a blurry Michael Myers suddenly sits up. The crowd in the theater (yes I saw the original in a theater) literally screamed and jumped out of their seats when it happened. Lots of shouting at the screen for her to “look out!”
It remains the ultimate example of the slasher film genre and belongs on pretty much any top horror movie list.
#2: The Shining (the original)
At last count, there have been something like 60 films made from Stephen King books or stories. Then add in the series and it’s an amazing number of adaptations. Not all of them are horror movies, of course (Shawshank Redemption, Stand by Me, etc.). But, King is known first and foremost for his horror stories. But, when it comes to adapting them to the big screen, let’s just say that results are hit and miss. However, one movie stands out for me. The original version of The Shining, from 1980. King didn’t even really like it, saying the director (Stanley Kubrick) really didn’t make the movie that King would have wanted. However, let’s just say that I’m with Kubrick on this one. The Shining is that rare horror movie that has virtually no jump scares. It rellies on slowly building dread that culminates in sheer terror by the end of the film. It creates a claustrophobic sense of horror, as winter closes in and the large, empty Overlook Hotel feels more and more oppressive as Jack Nicholson’s character slowly descends into madness.
If you want to watch a slow burn of a horror movie that includes some iconic scenes, do not miss The Shining.
#3: Sinister

Our first two flicks were from 40+ years ago, so let’s get to some more modern scary movies as well. We’ll start with Sinister from 2012. For horror fans, this one checks a lot of the important boxes. The scary house where a mass murder occurred. Found footage in the shape of home movies of the murdered family (and other families!). An obsessive writer who will make some very bad choices. It’s all here. A great mix of jump scares and utterly terrifying imager and reveals. It also has some strong performances by Ethan Hawke, Fred Thompson, and Vincent D’Onofrio. This one is a modern classic and really a study in how to construct a terrifying horror film.
Sinister was ranked as the scariest movie of all time based on some studies on view heart rates and spikes during the film. So, watch this one with the lights on!
#4: The Ring
Another somewhat more modern horror movie (from 2002) with some fantastically horrifying imagery is The Ring. This is an adaptation of an acclaimed Japanese film (Ring) about a cursed videotape and the ghost of a young girl in a wide dress with long black hair that usually covers her face. It fostered two sequels and was a huge box office hit. The story is fairly simple, introducing the urban legend of a videotape that is cursed so that anyone who watches it will die seven days later. It’s a great plot aspect that creates the added stress of a time limit, to go along with the totally scary cinematography. This is one of those movies where the audience knows that ‘you should NOT watch that videotape!’ but the characters are clueless. The main character, of course, watches it and then spends the next 7 days trying to figure out how to break the curse. Good luck with that! But, the audience hopes that just maybe there is a way out for the main characters. It’s spooky, creepy, and at times totally jump out of your seat scary.
You might also watch the original Japanese film, for comparison. Both are outstanding!
#5: Hereditary
And finally, we get into the weirdest film on this list. Hereditary was the directorial debut for Ari Aster, who has since become something of a rock-star in this very disturbing, non-traditional horror genre. The film stars Toni Collette as the mother of two young children, whose family seems cursed by bad luck and mental illness. The family is dealing with the death of the matriarch, and how each member deals with their grief. Doesn’t sound like a typical horror movie, right? Well, it’s not. But, let’s just say that things start happening to this family and with each new occurrence, the veneer of normalcy and control start slipping away. Eventually, it turns utterly surreal and so strange I have a hard time describing it. I also don’t want to ruin the experience for anyone. It’s better not to know too much about it in advance. But, be assured it pushed some serious boundaries that are shocking and terrifying.
This one is not for everybody. It’s weird and often frustrating, but that’s part of the point. I can’t promise you will love it, but watch it and see, and don’t give up halfway through if you aren’t quite getting it.