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The Watcher, Episode 5 Recap: 'Occam's Razor'

Nora presents this thesis to Theodora, and she not only accepts it right away but also substantiates it in one or two scenes. She discovers the details of his finances, which show that in addition to investing every dollar they had into selling the house, he also loaned $150,000 to remodel it from some sketchy people who charged high-interest rates and broke it thumbs.

Because of her absurdly good connections, she can gain an FBI writing analyst to confirm with 70–80% certainty that the Department chair wrote the Watcher emails, depending on how he capitalized the letter K on an earlier Valentine's Day card. Thus, we have ample justification. Case resolved.

While Karen visits Mitch and Mo, she implies that their home has become a "stigmatized property" because of the many murder rumors that have been going about. Karen doesn't inquire about the specifics of their abrupt disappearance and subsequent reappearance.

She proposes she trades it for them on a representative of Darren Dunn Realty under their custom to form an LLC and flip a house at a profit. She can't help but smile as she walks away and makes her exit, having been unsuccessful for the time being but having pledged that she constantly gets what she desires.

Anyway, Nora receives an invitation to a luncheon hosted by Pearl since Mo is back in town and Dean is away. There, Mo admits that when Mitch and Mo were gone in Florida, their son Christopher had discovered two old people, brought them to the house, and killed them to collect the insurance money.