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The Watcher, Episode 4 Recap: 'Someone to Watch Over Me'

The Watcher episode 4 opens with Dean coming home after work, and Nora confronting her aggressively while holding a pen drive. The time goes back a week, then "How could you do this to me?"

Before they sold the house to the Brannocks, the history of the house was unknown to Darren, Karen's supervisor, he claims. When Dean threatens to sue, Darren refuses, claiming that it would be bad for the family as a whole rather than his company. There was no room for error in any of the transactions, which were all completed in accordance with the letter of the law. He is prohibited from sharing any private information by New Jersey state law because the LLC is involved in the sale of the residence.

Dean brings up Andrew Pierce, but Darren insists it has nothing to do with the transaction. Despite Karen's best attempts, the Brannocks choose to ignore her. When Jasper became mute, Dean had already ordered Westfield High School's 1995 yearbook. He discovers the members of Graff's names. Dean leaves the office and cancels all of his scheduled meetings in order to carefully review the evidence. This is something Dean's supervisor notices, and it serves as sufficient rationale for the decision not to advance Dean to partner.

He questions why Chamberland provided him with so much proof. because it makes the police department's wrongdoing and the town's dirty secrets public. Dean is unaware that Nora has asked him for "sexy time" again. Once more, someone is keeping an eye on the house from the outside. Dakota replies to Ellie's private images with his own. He confronts Ellie and Dakota after witnessing them flirting once more. Nora, Dean, and Theodora continue to talk about the case.