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The Watcher, Episode 3 Recap: "Götterdämmerung"

Theodora and Dean start off Episode 3 of The Watcher by discussing the potential suspects and "The Watcher" himself. Mo and Mitch are of course off the list. When the PI does more research, she discovers strong evidence against Andrew. He had previously charged the principal of the school where his son attended with pedophilia. Caleb didn't even go on the supposed vacation, therefore the incident was immediately disregarded. Speaking from her personal experience as a cancer sufferer, she exonerates Mo and Mitch as well. Evidently, wreaking mayhem isn't high on this list of priorities. But why would someone decide to proceed in this manner? Why not just use medication? Theodora speculates that perhaps neither of them wanted to take a chance.

Jasper has spent his entire childhood living with his family. He spent nearly 23 years bagging groceries at the grocery store after school. He then came to a stop. In November 1995. The Avalon Behaviour Health Centre receives money from his family, which they do for over ten years. He briefly ceased speaking. How did Jasper fare during that month? At the club, Karen and Nora congregate. The realtor talks about how their marriage to her ex-husband Rick terminated after they stopped having sexual encounters.

She cautions Nora not to commit the same error. Marriages end because of that. Nora talks about issues at home, such as Dean's evolving attitude toward Ellie and his escalating fury. He is having an affair, according to Karen, but after she says this, we know she will say anything that comes to mind without trying to make sense of it. She continues to be adamant that Nora and the family vacate. So much so that she takes the woman to visit another house nearby that is newer and has no previous owners.