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The Top 13 Best Crime Junkie Episodes

Hey Crime Junkies, it’s the crew at AtHomeDaily here to bring you our top recommended podcasts from our favorite true-crime podcast, Crime Junkie

I cannot rave enough about this podcast narrated by Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat. It is a part of my daily routine. Wake up, listen to a crime junkie episode, then get ready for the day.  At this point, not only and I a “true Crime Junkie,” but I could give detectives a run for their money with my crime-solving abilities. 

Until then, I will use my expertise to provide my top 3 favorite episodes. Some are notorious crimes and others you might have never heard of. Let’s get into it! 

Insert Crime Junkie thems song music here 

SURVIVED: Elizabeth Smart 

This 2002 crime garnered a lot of media attention. Fourteen-year-old, Elizabeth Smart is abducted at knifepoint from her own bedroom. The twist and turns follow the 9-month goose chase for Smart as the community of Salt Lake City, Utah rally to find her. The 9-months chase comes to an end when she is discovered in a place she was in all along… Plain sight. For 9 months, she was held captive by two abductors. They forced her to endure torture through what the kidnappers considered "religious rituals". 

The abductor claimed to be a prophet and would often take his wife and Smart out into the public to stand by him as he preached. He dressed Smart in a wig, robe, and veil. Some people recognized her a few times and when police came to the scene Smart denied her being due to threats from her captor. Until one day, when the police came and were adamant about rescuing her. They were successful and this is the story of Elizabeth Smart.   

This episode is a crazy one and offers a personal perspective into the crime, as Elizabeth Smart herself comes on the podcast to talk about her experience. 

I rate it a true 10/10.

The Watts Family 

This is a case that also garnered a lot of media attention, in the same token, it was my introduction to Crime Junkie. There have been documentaries, live footage, and movie reenactments of the case, making it extremely notorious. 

Ashley and Brit detail the horrific events that took place between Chris Watts, his pregnant wife Shannan, and daughters Bella and Celeste. This case is truly tragic and listening to it was difficult for me. While I do feel disgusted by all murders, this one struck a specific nerve. 

If you are a parent this one is hard to listen to. 

The Top 13 Best Crime Junkie Episodes

The story follows the lives of the Watts family. Detailing their early days and the characteristics that defined each member. Shannan worked from home selling products for a company. Chris was an operator at a petroleum company. Daughters, Celeste and Bella were only 3 and 4 years old. 

The general summary is that cheating husband, Chris Watts murdered all 3 members of his family for no apparent reason. Whether it was his affair that pushed him over the edge of the stress of his unborn son or financial issues. No one quite knows. Chris Watts is in prison for this act. 

This episode is an 8/10 as it might take an emotional toll on some. 

Murdered: Martha Moxley

Okay, I know I have said this about almost all of the episodes, but this one is crazy and it draws a connection to a very famous family dynasty. That family is, the Kennedy’s. A family that is notoriously afflicted by crime, tragedy, and death. We all know of “The Kennedy Curse.” 

Well in this story, the tables turn as it becomes a potential Kennedy who afflicts death on another person, Martha Moxley.  

It starts with two families, The Moxley’s and the Skakels (related to the Kennedys by marriage). The families are next-door neighbors in Greenwich, Connecticut. On the evening of October 30, 1975, Martha hang out with friends for “Mischief Night,” a night dedicated to pranks and TP-ing houses. Following the evening, they head over to the Skakel’s house to hang out with the two teenage boys of the family. 

That was the last time Martha was seen alive. The next morning they find her brutally murdered. Fingers and evidence all point to the Skakel boys, but for so long the mystery remained of “Which one?” Then, one of the brothers is convicted.

Four decades of legal twists and turns define this murder. In order to get the full story and follow the journey, you have to listen to this podcast, because unfortunately, I cannot sum up 4-decades worth of information. 

What I can do is rate this episode, 9/10. 

These are my top 3 favorite episodes, but it was so difficult to narrow them down. So, instead of explaining about 10 more, I will leave a list and let you all do the listening. 

Fine Crime Junkie on Apple Podcasts on the App Store and Spotify

  • MURDERED: Madeline McCann 
  • MURDERED: Robert Wone
  • WANTED: Austin Yogurt Shop Killer
  • INFAMOUS: Alice Crimmins 
  • SERIAL KILLER: Charlie Brandt 
  • SERIAL KILLER: Rodney Alcala 
  • INFAMOUS: The Dexter Killer 
  • INFAMOUS: Bathtub Killer 
  • BWBRSA: Operation Fireball
  • WANTED: The Keddie Cabin Killer