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The Night Agent - Season 1, Episode 5 Recap

A flashback to Arrington's graduation from the Secret Service Academy four years prior opens Episode 5 of The Night Agent Season 1. Since he is in control, Ben is here to speak.

See Also: The Night Agent - Season 1, Episode 4 Recap

Arrington is taken aback by her mother's attendance during the event. Even though her mother disagrees with her choice of profession, she still supports her daughter and believes in her. She is also happy with her kid.

She is caring for Maddie, who is upset because her dad is using her as a campaign tool, a few years later. Maddie confides in Arrington that she occasionally enjoys falsehoods even though she detests the way her father manipulates her. At least when he parades her in front of the press and voters, he treats her better. Arrington attempts to make her feel better.

Arrington receives a message saying that an FBI agent wants to meet with her as they are conversing. Peter requests a private conversation, so they go for a stroll. He inquires as to her memory of the Metro bombing day. Arrington declines to respond to his inquiries since protocol calls for him to follow the chain of command. Peter reveals that he is looking into a case while carrying out Farr's instructions. He explains why he thinks Maddie could be in danger. She pledges to address their queries after requesting clearance.

While Arrington makes a call to Ben, Rose and Peter proceed to the university's library. He instructs her to merely mention that day she wasn't with Maddie and not to reveal anything else. After hanging up, Ben confronts Farr about Peter's recent behavior. She informs him that she is not aware of the situation and that they must wait for Peter to check in before learning more. Ben claims he feels uneasy about Farr conducting a covert inquiry. If he stays clean, Farr assures him there is nothing to be concerned about. Ben tells her to be cautious before he departs. Peter is not pick up when Farr tries to contact him.

He and Rose research the Metro bombing at the library. Peter dismisses Rose's suggestion that they access Hawkins' computer and informs her it won't be possible. They stand a better chance, in his opinion, of speaking with Hawkins' widow. Rose chooses to stay behind and investigate the killer's ring.

Although Peter initially opposes the plan, he ultimately concurs. He gives her his new burner phone and requests that she check in on him from time to time. Arrington calls him just before he departs to let him know Maddie has no involvement. Arrington is confused when Peter brings up the cafe, but she stays silent.

He visits Hawkins' home and speaks with his widow. After hearing Peter's account, the widow speaks up and admits that Hawkins was close to the Campbells. Peter counsels her that it will be preferable to be certain and assist in preserving her husband's reputation if she knows for sure.

Hawkins was looking into the Metro bombing and what happened to the Campbells, the wife informs the husband. He was due to meet the CEO of Turner Lake Industries on the day before he passed away. The government hires Turner Lake Industries as a contractor. She didn't tell the other agents about this since she wanted to keep her husband safe.

Ben arranges a meeting with Farr, the President, and the Vice President back at the White House. The Vice President inquires about the visit Peter made to Maddie's school after hearing from him that it happened. The Vice President is not pleased to learn that Peter has not yet communicated and Farr has no new information. Peter is loyal, according to Farr, so there should be no issues. Farr responds that Peter and Rose are working on the Campbells case

The Night Agent is streaming on Netflix.