The first episode starts with a young girl named Ilonka (Iman Benson) who discovers she has Thyroid cancer. From that moment on, Ilonka's life turns upside down. But viewers can tell she is a fighter with determination to beat the illness.
Even after her cancer becomes terminal, Ilonka does not give up. She discovers a hospice called Brightcliffe while researching a cure for her disease. She eventually learns the story of Julia Jayne (Larsen Thompson), who successfully and miraculously beat her cancer after attending Brightcliffe.
Intrigued, Ilonka decides to participate in Brightcliffe's special program, designed for terminally ill young adults, where she meets other terminally-ill patients. She instantaneously gets along with another patient, Kevin (Igby Rigney). But she struggles to get along with Anya (Ruth Codd), her roommate.
At night, Ilonka sees Anya sneaking outside a room. She follows Anya and ends up in a Brightcliffe library, where she finds all the other patients. She stays hidden while listening to what they are saying.
She soon realizes they have a sort of pact and meet at a library every night where they tell ghost stories. However, at one point, Ilonka accidentally drops something and has to reveal herself. Then Anya asks her to tell them a story, so she shares the one about Julia Jayne.
Later, Kevin confronts Ilonka about the story, saying Julia cannot be a completely made-up character because he saw her picture on the wall in Brightcliffe alongside other former patients' pictures. Consequently, Ilonka admits that the main reason she went to Brightcliffe is Julia’s story as she believes she can find the cure for her illness in this place.
As the two leave a corridor for their rooms, viewers can see the shadowy spirit lurking in a hospice corridor.