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That ‘90s Show - Season 1, Episode 4 Recap

That 90s Show is a popular Netflix series that takes viewers on a nostalgic trip back to the 1990s. In episode 4 of season 1, we see the characters, Jane and Michael, go through some major changes.

The episode begins with Jane and Michael getting ready for a school dance. Michael is trying to impress his crush, Jenny. He does this by wearing a suit, but Jane is more concerned with her own outfit. She has borrowed a dress from her best friend, but it doesn't fit properly and she feels self-conscious.

At the dance, Michael tries to talk to Jenny, but she seems uninterested. Meanwhile, Jane is feeling left out and decides to leave early. She ends up walking home alone and runs into a group of boys who try to harass her. Fortunately, Michael arrives just in time to save her and they walk home together.

The incident causes Jane to realize that she has feelings for Michael. But, she's not sure if he feels the same way. She tries to ask him about it, but he's too preoccupied with Jenny. However, when Michael finds out that Jenny is dating someone else, he starts to see Jane in a different light.

As Michael and Jane's relationship starts to develop, their parents are going through their own struggles. Jane's mom, Joanne, is having a midlife crisis and decides to quit her job to become a musician. Meanwhile, Michael's dad, Tom, is having financial troubles and is forced to sell his business.

The parents' problems start to affect Michael and Jane. Jane is embarrassed by her mom's new career and Michael is upset about his dad's situation. They both turn to each other for support and start to rely on their friendship even more.

In the end, Michael realizes that he has feelings for Jane and they share a kiss. However, their moment is interrupted when they find out that Joanne and Tom have run off together. The episode ends with Michael and Jane feeling uncertain about their future. But, they know that they have each other to rely on.

Overall, episode 4 of That 90s Show is a coming-of-age story. It deals with a range of issues that are common during the teenage years. From first crushes to family problems, the characters are relatable and their struggles are real.

One of the main themes of the episode is the importance of friendship. Michael and Jane are able to rely on each other when their parents are going through their own crises. Their friendship faces a test when they both start to develop feelings for each other. Ultimately, it's their bond that helps them get through the challenges they face.

Another theme is the idea of finding your own identity. Joanne and Tom are both going through major changes in their lives as they try to figure out who they are and what they want. Their struggles have an impact on their children, who are also trying to find their place in the world.

The episode also touches on the idea of growing up too quickly. Jane has to deal with a dangerous situation when she's walking home alone, which makes her realize that she's not a child anymore. Michael also has to confront the fact that he can't always get what he wants, especially when it comes to love.

In summary, episode 4 of That 90s Show is an engaging and relatable story that captures the essence of the 90s. The characters are authentic and the issues they face are relevant to viewers of all ages. As the season continues, it will be interesting to see how Michael and Jane's relationship develops, and how their parents' choices impact their lives.

Season 1 of That ‘90s Show is now streaming on Netflix.