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Survival of the Thickest - S1, Episode 2 Recap

The second episode of "Survival of the Thickest" brings an unexpected chance for the protagonist, Mavis. This chance arrives through Peppermint, a drag queen, who she met Peppermint at her go-to bar. Peppermint connects her with Natasha Karina, a renowned supermodel keen on remaining significant in the ever-changing fashion landscape.

See Also: Survival of the Thickest - S1, Episode 1 Recap

As Mavis assists Natasha with her wardrobe, she observes Natasha's unease concerning her weight. Natasha requires a new outfit, yet she's hesitant to disclose her exact dimensions. Mavis has always aspired to design clothing for women like herself and Natasha. She aims to empower Natasha to be comfortable with her body by dressing her appropriately. She ensures that she will no longer need to rely on a corset.

Natasha employs Mavis, and the latter successfully crafts an attire that bolsters Natasha's self-assurance. Mavis, however, is oblivious to the fact that Natasha plans to debut the outfit at her former spouse's funeral. With a strong desire to make a statement, Natasha turns heads at the event, thanks to Mavis' tasteful fashion choices.

Through Natasha's hostility towards her ex-spouse, Mavis gains insight that she doesn't want to lead a similar life marked by resentment. She has no intention of harboring years of bitterness towards Jacque. While Natasha delivers a performance at the service, Peppermint broadcasts it live on Instagram. The spotlight then turns to Natasha's attire and Mavis' role in creating it, resulting in widespread praise for Mavis.

Owing to the sudden surge of recognition and Peppermint's astute social media marketing, Mavis finds herself center stage, gaining new followers and trending hashtags on her personal page. By supporting Natasha and chasing her own ambitions, Mavis realizes the new opportunities she's carved for herself.

However, the episode also raises concerns. The narrative, revolving around Mavis' efforts to style Natasha Karina, an ex-supermodel vying for relevance, also seems to laud an unhealthy lifestyle and even pettiness.

The episode features Natasha exploiting her ex-husband's funeral to gain attention, with her conspicuous attire, odd behavior, and disregard for the solemnity of the moment. The irony lies in the fact that this spectacle subsequently enhances her relevance. Given that the show primarily targets impressionable teenagers, the values it imparts – a focus on self-centeredness and heedless behavior – are, at best, questionable and narcissistic.