"Mr. Harrigan's Phone" is a coming-of-age film with a supernatural twist. Based on a Stephen King story, the film follows the bond between a young boy named Craig and an aging billionaire named Mr. Harrigan. The two connect over odd jobs - and their iPhones. But when Mr. Harrigan passes away, their mysterious connection doesn't die after Craig puts Mr. Harrigan's phone in his pocket before the burial.
The film stars Jaeden Martell as Craig and Donald Sutherland as Mr. Harrigan. It's available to watch now on Netflix.
Many people know Stephen King as the master of horror, but what they may not know is that he is also a highly skilled speculative fiction writer, which is reflected in this show. Mr. Harrigan's Phone is a moving film that explores the power of connection, even after death. However, the film could also be seen as a rather depressing allegory for our inability to give up things, even after death.
Martell and Sutherland have great chemistry as Craig and Mr. Harrigan, and the film does a beautiful job of illustrating the impact that even one person can have on our lives. The supernatural elements of the story are handled deftly, and the ending is both touching and unexpected.
That said, there are a few moments in the film that feel a little slow or contrived. However, these moments are few and far between, and they don't do much to dampen the enjoyability of the film as a whole.
If you're in the mood for a movie with a touch of the supernatural, be sure to check out "Mr. Harrigan's Phone" on Netflix.