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Review & Recap: The Swimmers on Netflix

In the war-torn country of Syria, two sisters are the subject of the film The Swimmers. Yusra has high hopes of winning an Olympic gold medal, but when the nation is attacked, her swimming career is destroyed. Sara and Yusra DO travel to Germany. Due to a man trying to rape Yusra just before this, they decide against riding in the same vehicle as the other migrants they traveled with.

Nizar had wonderful news after spending the final of the girls' money to spend that night in a hotel. They don't even need tickets because he was able to arrange for them to take a bus into Berlin! The girls head over and manage to enter Germany. The girls' registration at a refugee shelter further fuels Yusra's desire to swim in the Olympics.

Sara concentrates more on assisting others, especially in light of recent reports indicating that bombings in Syria are continuing, whereas Yusra concentrates on her swimming.
Yusra stumbles onto a swimming club and approaches Sven, the head coach, by coincidence. Yusra works hard to make the refugee Olympic Team and consistently beats Sven's times.

When Yusra arrives in Rio, she overhears rival athletes complaining about her lack of effort and how she is only there as a show of support, completely oblivious of Yusra's valiant swim efforts earlier in the film. Yusra quickly dispels any remaining skepticism by dominating the competition and winning her heat.

However, Nizar's tale is less endearing. He understands that he is confined to eternal torment. Without a work permit, he is unable to find employment, and the only option to obtain one is to wait in the refugee center. He is the caged bird in a sense, and as we depart, it's unclear if the door will be opened for him.