Stutz is an art-house documentary about therapy and mental health. It's terrible that in this era, mental health isn't taken more seriously, especially among guys.
Men are told to "man up" and "be strong" but are considered weak if they cry or open out. It contributes to men's greater suicide rates compared to women, but both sexes need to adjust their attitudes toward depression and anxiety.
Stutz isn't a personal therapy session to improve our behavior, but it shows the fragility of our thoughts and is a welcome change of pace, with two men professing platonic affection for one another.
The film also highlights a certain form of therapy and its tactics for shifting worry and unpleasant sensations into something more edible and manageable. This film is about a therapist and his client's personal relationship. Jonah Hill's and Phil Stutz's.
Phil Stutz is a top psychiatrist. Over 40 years, he's helped innumerable patients, including world-class creatives, corporate leaders, and more. Some therapy skeptics became believers after seeing him.

The picture begins with Stutz and Hill trading black-and-white banter. Stutz's tactics include graphic cards and colloquial names for skills used to overcome anxiety, depression, and other bad feelings.
Some of this may sound easy, yet it changes your life remarkably. Exercise is recommended as a means to channel lifeforce and transform perception. We feel better. More exercise releases dopamine, making it a gratifying endeavor.
Stutz doesn't go into science here but instead skims the surface for many of his ideas, working this as an intimate conversation between two men who have been through a lot. Hill and Stutz discuss their demons and how they got here.
Jonah talks about his weight and how it made him feel as a 14-year-old, while Stutz discusses his Parkinson's Disease.