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Reacher Episode 8 Recap

We have finally arrived at the last episode of Amazon’s latest thriller series, Reacher. To date, we’ve seen quite a few bodies drop. This includes innocent people and lots of would-be assassins when they came up against the protagonist or one of the other ‘good guys’ on the show.

So, how will it all wrap up? Check out our recap below to find out. Spoilers ahead!

Where we left off in Episode 7

As we left our heroes, Reacher and Finlay were just taken prisoner by the now-revealed criminal triumvirate. It consists of Picard (who we thought was an FBI benefactor), Teale (the clearly corrupt mayor and new police chief), and KJ Kliner (who we already knew was a very bad dude).

Reacher Doesn’t Play by the Rules

KJ shows Reacher a live stream of the captive Roscoe and makes it clear that the only way to save her is to take Picard to where Paul Hubble is hiding out. Wait, Paul Hubble is alive? Reacher and the viewers had assumed he was taken out by the assassins after episode 1. But, we never saw it. KJ is convinced that Reacher can find him.

Reacher agrees and heads off with Picard in search of Hubble. Quickly, he comes to some conclusions about where Hubble is likely hiding out, which he shares with Picard. In order to escape, Reacher discretely steals a fork and quietly punctures the rear tire of the card he is being forced to drive with Picard. After a few hours, the tire runs flat, forcing Reacher off the to change it.

However, Picard doesn’t trust him for a second and keeps a gun on him the entire time. We as the viewers (including Reacher) already know the trunk is filled with guns Reacher put there in a past episode. As Reacher opens it to begin the tire repair, he instead pulls a gun and the two duck to either side of the car. He ‘negotiates’ to have them each put down their guns, but is ready for Picard, who he shoots in the dark. A wounded Picard escapes, leaving Reacher free to find Hubble on his own.

Paul Hubble is Indeed Alive

Reacher Episode 8 Recap

Reacher tracks him down to a motel fairly quickly and explains that his wife and daughters have been taken by Kliner. Hubble reveals that he was Joe’s confidential informant and he feel responsible for his death. They both head back toward Margrave as things come to a head.

A Jailbreak

Meanwhile, "Officer” (and we use that term loosely) Baker has Finlay in a cell at the police department and is beating the daylights out of him. We obviously knew Baker was dirty for a while, but we have it fully confirmed that he is also a racist who has had it in for Finlay since day one.

Reacher makes an entrance by driving his truck right through the front door, slamming into Baker and crushing him to death. Finlay is broken out of jail and they begin making plans to take down the remaining criminals.

The Final Showdown(s)

Neagley arrives to back up the crew of Reacher, Finlay and Hubble as they arm themselves at the police department and head to the Kliner warehouse where they know Roscoe and the Hubbles are being held. It’s time to take everyone down and burn down the organiztion - literally. 

Reacher sets the building on fire as a destraction, while Paul sneaks in and gets his daughters out to safety. Our three protagonists break in and begin a shootout with various Kliner employees. They eventually free Roscoe and Charlie Hubble. Roscoe joins the fight, while Neagley helps get Charlie to safety. We now have the big showdowns we would expect.

Roscoe faces off against Teale, who killed her mentor. She is eventually able to subdue him and take him into custody, but he reaches for a gun and she kills him. One down, two to go.  Finlay takes on his ‘friend’ Picard and after a back and forth fight, kills him with a hydraulic press. Only one more to go.

Finlay and Roscoe escape the now blazing building. They leave Reacher and KJ to finish things up. Reacher disarms KJ and douses him in the chemical bleach used to remove the dye from the $1 bills. He is quickly engulfed in flames and dies an appropriately horrible death. Game over.

We get the final wrap up, where Reacher plans to move on. He clearly has feelings for Roscoe, but he isn’t about to stop his travels anytime soon. Roscoe talks about maybe running for mayor of Margrave (she would be great) and Finlay decided to move back to Boston and start over. 

The last scene is Reacher walking out of Margrave, sticking out his thumb for a ride to his next town and next adventure.  See you in Season 2 Reacher!