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Reacher Episode 4 Recap

After this week, we’re halfway through the first season of Amazon’s Reacher series, with our recap of episode 4. Let’s dive in.

Where we Left Off

Good thing Reacher got himself a gun in the last episode. As episode 3 was wrapping up, Reacher had just killed two would-be assassins and found Spivey’s body in the back of their car. All this after killers now appear to be targeting Roscoe as well, with Finlay sure to be next. 

Disposing of the Bodies

Reacher takes Roscoe back to where he left the two assassin’s bodies. They decide to send a message to Kliner by dropping the car off in their parking lot, with the three bodies jammed into the trunk. Reacher also confides in Roscoe about an incident that took place while he served in Iraq, involving killing three civilian men who were sexually assaulting a group of children.

She needed to know about the incident after Kliner’s son suggested Reacher had some terrible crime in his past. Reacher needed to know if she had an issue with killing three sexual predators in a war zone. The two find common ground and move on. 

Digging Deeper into Kliner Industries

After dumping more evidence at the Atlanta airport long-term parking lot, Reacher and Roscoe find a hotel room to stay off the grid in the city for a day. Their sexual tension finally comes to a head and the inevitable happens. 

Reacher gets in touch with Joe’s old assistant at the Secret Service (where he has now learned he was an investigator). Molly Beth agrees to search Joe’s files and bring them to Reacher in Atlanta. It starts to look like Kliner may be involved in counterfeiting, which caught Joe’s attention, leading him to the investigation that got him killed. 

Reacher Episode 4 Recap

The next day, Reacher and Roscoe visit the home of the Kliner truck driver to search for clues. But, all they find is empty boxes that may have been used to move the counterfeit cash. 

A Lead on Joe

While they find nothing at the house, Picard gives them a lead on the motel where Joe stayed. But, someone else got there first and all Joe is able to find is a hidden note in Joe’s luggage. After finding it, they are attached by yet another pair of assassins. 

Reacher and Roscoe split up, but Reacher leads the mercenaries away from her to protect her. He is able to kill one of the assasin’s, but the second one gets the drop on him and has him at gunpoint. Roscoe shows up and kills him, saving Reacher’s life. She is not too pleased that he put himself in danger to protect her and lets him have a piece of her mind. 

Joe’s Assistant

Finlay arrives to meet the team in Atlanta and sync up with Molly Beth at the train station. They spot each other and Molly Beth is headed toward them when she disappears. The team splits up in search of her and Reacher finds her near death in the subway tunnel, the records having been stolen. Molly Beth dies in his arms and another lead disappears. 

What we Know

It is pretty obvious that the villains now include Kliner and his company, perhaps several members of the Margrave PD, the mayor, and of course the mercenary assassins. Kliner’s son and nephew are also clearly wrapped up in it.