Where we Left Off
Andy just watched her friend, U.S. Marshal Michael Vargas collapse on the street in San Francisco. We know (or at least are 99.9% sure) he was poisoned by the jogger who bumped into him. From there Andy takes off. Laura/Jane has left the witness protection program and is headed to find Andy, who she knows has been in touch with her brother Jasper Queller.
More of the Past is Revealed
We get an opening scene showing Martin Queller drugging Jane when she came back to visit after running off with Nick. Seriously, he may not have deserved to be murdered, but this guy was a serious monster.
A Family Reunion
Jane and Jasper meet face-to-face for the first time in decades. He offers her help in finding Andy, but we also know his security team has been surveilling her the entire time. Jane doesn’t trust him any more than we do. She also makes it clear that she can destroy his political career with a simple phone call. Hmmmmm. We knew Jane must have something on Jasper, but now it’s confirmed. But, what does she know?
Andy on the Run…Again
Look, I’ve been pretty clear that I’m no fan of this character. She alternated between Jason Bourne-like spycraft (sneaking into the prison) and utter stupidity (knowingly meeting Vargas when she is aware that Jasper’s security knows she is going there, and so many other instances). But, now we get her being clever again, as she heads to Michael’s hotel room in search of the suitcase full of money.

She also finds his laptop, which contains more info about what happened in Oslo and the Army of the Changing World. Before Andy can get out with the suitcase, people enter the hotel room (with Andy hiding in the shower with the laptop) and take the case. Andy secretly follows them in Michae’s car. What ensues is a combination of utterly amateurish and brilliant work by Andy to hide in the bad guys’ trunk and take back the suitcase when the thugs are murdered by their contact. That whole scene is a bit of… Whaaaa?
Mother and Daughter
Andy finally answers when Michael’s cell phone keeps ringing. Why she hasn’t reached out to her mom at this point is beyond me, but she finally takes Jane’s call and they meet. Jane comes clean to Andy about a lot of what she has learned. While Andy is bitter about being kept in the dark her whole life, I’m not really sure what Jane should have done differently. Jane promised Andy they can head to the police station and get the FBI involved. But, Jane is just trying to get the case and then seems to have a plan to get things resolved with Andy safe and sound on the sidelines.
More Flashbacks
We get more info on the Oslo incident, where the murder of Martin Queller definitely appears to have not been part of the plan. But, now the group is in serious trouble. They have a kidnapped professor on their hands and the FBI looking for them after Queller’s murder. It only gets worse when they apparently follow Jane back to the safe house where they are keeping Professor Maplecroft. Just as the FBI is moving in, the professor makes her move, grabbing a knife and attacking Jane. Nick steps in and is stabbed in the hand by the professor. He then makes the same move that Jane/Laura did in the present, where the knife is used to cut the throat of the attacker. So that’s where Jane/Laura learned it!
The Army makes a break for it, with the FBI in hot pursuit. One member of the Army is killed and Jane’s little brother Andrew is shot as they make their escape.
A Few More Bits and Pieces
- No big surprise at this point, but Jane admits to Andy that Nick is her father.
- The money Jane has in the suitcase is clearly the ransom money the group collected for kidnapping the professor.
- We’re still missing some key facts. Why does Jasper want Any (and the suitcase?) found so badly? Is it related to Jane’s cryptic threat to destroy his career?