On the final day of proceedings, OJ declines to take the stand; he instead makes a succinct statement. He asserts his innocence and his desire to end the trial so that he can return to work with his two children.
People vs. OJ Simpson Episode 10 Recap
After deliberating for four hours, a jury renders a “not guilty” verdict, prompting rejoicing and surprise in many places throughout several ethnic groups.
A grinned-out Kris Jenner vomited in the basin, and she broke down in tears from a mix of fear and shame when she was allowed to collect orange juice from jail.
Marcia Clark and Chris Darden, both perturbed, exhausted, and beyond devastation, cannot comprehend why no Black jurors jailed one of their most significant cultural icons.
Chris, however, states that manipulating the support of an oppressed and struggling Black community for a guilty celebrity so guilty of murder did nothing.
After fleeing a prison stint, the episode ends with OJ in his backyard, looking at himself in ho prime.
He is alone and now ostracized from society, his friends, and his family.
Watch Or Not
A stellar ending to a very gripping series. Cuba Gooding did one heck of a job.
This is certainly a watch.