"Penelope," the new coming-of-age series from Netflix, brings the timeless tale of adolescence to life in a unique and riveting way. Created and co-written by Mel Eslyn and Mark Duplass, the series follows the journey of 16-year-old Penelope (played by Megan Stott) who trades her structured, technology-filled life for an adventure into the wilderness.
The show opens during a silent dance party at a summer camp, where Penelope is seen engrossed in the music through her headphones. An unexpected sighting of a wolf triggers a radical decision in her, leading her to a choice that propels the story forward. Despite her short-lived promise of returning home on time for her SAT course prep, she embarks on an impromptu, unplanned adventure.
The audience watches Penelope as she navigates through her new life, from equipping herself with camping gear worth $400 to sneaking into North Cascades National Park. Along the journey, she encounters a few unconventional characters - from a traveling folk singer offering her a spot in his van to an ardent environmentalist, and a young man trying to reconcile his faith with the world around.

In the midst of the wilderness, Penelope endures periods of downtime by engaging in mundane tasks such as berry collecting and fishing. She also engages in self-negotiations, demonstrating an unusually soft self-talk as she works on building a cabin better insulated against the wild. The show demonstrates a commendable aspect here - transcending typical self-deprecating teen narratives by encouraging kindness towards oneself.
Penelope's stubborn determination serves as the glue holding the narrative together. However, her haste choice to disconnect herself from the world, which leaves her family in despair, appears unbelievable. The show, filled with dead space, minimal dialogue, and unclear motives, might have more impact if structured as a shorter film.
"Penelope," ultimately strives to showcase the value of self-exploration and carving out a life defined by one's term. Nonetheless, the series seems to lose its focus on these themes, with Penelope's ill-prepared self-discovery quest leaving her further astray. "Penelope" debuted on Netflix on September 24.