All of the characters are present at the beginning of Outer Banks Season 3 Episode 9, but they are all watching the crumbling remains of their home burn. They have nowhere to go, and the fact that it hasn't spread elsewhere is a complete miracle. Not only that, but it's also impossible to see any firefighters.
See Also: Outer Banks - Season 3, Episode 8 Recap
You get the impression that this is the calm before the storm now that the entire crew is back together. Each of our protagonists works to say their goodbyes and get ready for the voyage ahead before they board their flight to South America.
Recall the busted U-Haul drug truck from the last episode. Mike, who is upset with JJ for derailing the plans and is out for vengeance, arrives to meet JJ. JJ leaves.
Kie practices a speech for her parents, but sadly, representatives from the wilderness camp Kitty Hawk instead drag her away. Kie is unhappy yet powerless. When JJ notices something is wrong, she asks John B for an additional hour to hold until he can come to her aid.

JJ rushes to the camp to save his sweetheart when he finds out where she is. Unluckily, he experiences a flat tire while traveling and becomes trapped by the side of the road. Actually, Mike is the one who shoots out the tire and grabs him by the throat with a revolver.
JJ makes an attempt to wiggle out of this terrible circumstance by mentioning the gold that might be waiting for him in South America if he lets him go.
Rafe heads back to see Barry and decides he wants to call off the attack on Ward. The thing is, he’s already got a guy on this and it’s out of his hands. Rafe realizes his father could meet a horrific demise and races up to find him. At the same time, Topper shows at the airport where he finds Sarah. He confronts her and questions what a compulsive liar she is. When he leaves, he phones the District Attorney and decides to follow up with his formal charges against John B.
While Ward is gutting a fish, the assassin takes him and appears prepared to do the same to Sarah's father. Rafe, though, arrives and saves his father. When he does, a kayaker who was passing by at the time notices Ward is still alive. Rafe puts his father on the back of his bike and rushes to the runway after realizing they must leave. The fact that Ward Cameron is still alive makes headlines rapidly. I mean, it's a mystery how he evaded capture for the past four episodes throughout the entire town, including at the airstrip and everywhere else in between! Nevertheless, I digress.
Rafe approaches Sarah and the others for assistance with Ward after arriving at the airport in his car. The fact that the man is taken on the plane with John B., Pope, and Cleo dramatically derails their intentions to travel to South America. But JJ and Kie's time is up, and John B texts them to let them know they're leaving. Before parting ways with his son and allowing the plane to take off, Ward informs him that he has ultimately proven himself.
Season 3 of Outer Banks is now streaming on Netflix.