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Outer Banks - Season 3, Episode 1 Recap

The first episode of Outer Banks season 3 begins with the Vendor Gold saga behind us. John B and the gang establish their serenity down by the beach - Poguelandia. While Sarah starts to spiral because she thinks her father will come to get her, JJ and Kie go hunting. She receives assurance from John B that this is not the situation. The group eventually reverts to their usual behavior, up until the morning, when the kids try to flag down a passing plane for a ride home.

Jimmy, the pilot, is a bit eccentric and shady, but he still encourages them to board. He was apparently spotting fish, which only adds to John B's concerns. He also has a diary that appears to indicate he's corrupt. They inevitably cause him to roll over hard on the beach, straight on the Barbados coastline.
The children, who are all fine, benefit from the crash landing. Jimmy, on the other hand, has passed out behind the wheel. Kie, on the other hand, assists him, but she becomes separated from everyone else on the beach. That's bad news, particularly when quad bikers show up. Kie gets taken away. The others observe helplessly.

In the resulting chaos, JJ steals Jimmy's wallet, which contains some cash & an address. He thinks that Kie is there as bait to get the gang. Still, the group is ready to get a move on him first.

Kie isn't there, but a painting on the wall depicts San Jose, the ship from which the cross was retrieved. When Jimmy comes back, the children confront him and learn that Kie is at Vaux Hall, a place that Jimmy says they "really don't want to go." They especially don't want to run into Carlos Singh, the man in control of the numerous acres & the big house on the hill. He's also a skilled treasure hunter.

Michel, a Frenchman, arrives at Rafe's house. He thinks his client will have an interest in the cross. When Rafe goes to Barbados, he runs into Kie who happens to be with Carlos, the prospective client. Carlos mentions as he takes a seat that he is completing a 500-year-old grand adventure and finding another treasure.

Carlos has the responsibility of solving the mystery, and he plans to do so. Part of this stems from the discovery of a diary in possession of John B as well as the group.

The group attempts (and fails) to break into Carlos' compound, which is guarded by dogs, guards, and a slew of other security personnel, making it nearly impossible to locate Kie. Unfortunately, Carlos is serious, and Rafe and Kie observe Jimmy being led out back and shot dead.

So far, the storyline is fast, frantic, and enthralling, with the expectation of an additional treasure hunt along with many reasons for optimism. The sequence continues to deliver exciting set pieces, and the bungled attempt to enter Carlos' compound shows just how powerful and dangerous this guy is.

Season 3 of Outer Banks is now available on Netflix.