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No One Will Save You (2023) - Movie Review

In the realms of sci-fi horror, Brian Duffield introduces “No One Will Save You,” a film punctuated with an intriguing blend of silence and potential. Protagonist Brynn, portrayed by Kaitlyn Dever, inhabits a sphere of isolation, engaging with her solitary activities within her secluded home. Her mundane yet tranquil existence is disrupted by the intrusion of a non-terrestrial entity, propelling her towards a confrontation with her history and the underlying causes of her loneliness. One standout aspect of “No One Will Save You” is the inventive choices laid in its foundations. With a solitary line of clear dialogue, the film leans into an astonishing deployment of sound. The invasion’s initial act ingeniously leverages diegetic sound, ratcheting up the tension as Brynn navigates through her dwelling, stealthily avoiding the otherworldly intruder. The audience is held captive by everyday noises - a floorboard’s groan, dial tones - ingeniously morphing ordinary into ominous. Brynn, characterized by her strategic, intentional moves and intellect, provides an engaging watch. She retaliates, establishes herself as a heroine you back, and spares no sympathy for. Simultaneously, Duffield artfully utilizes the domicile’s structure to amplify fear and suspense. The homely spaces and beguiling daytime shadows, through ingenious use of architectural nooks and lighting, spirals into a source of unnerving dread as night descends. Nevertheless, despite these striking elements, the longer the sequence stretches, the further it veers from its initial magnificence. The film, while opening with potent fright and excitement, gradually shifts into a domain where the alien becomes a source of apathy rather than alarm. As the moments unfold, “No One Will Save You” loses grip on its once-gripping narrative. Brynn, dealing with the loss of her mother and estrangement from her community for unexplained reasons, is pushed beyond her boundaries by the invasion. It triggers her primal instincts to flee from her icy surroundings. Despite being privy to her evident trauma, the audience remains perplexed regarding its origins. The script doesn’t weave enough depth to retain a heartfelt connection with her journey, instead dragging viewers through a wearisome loop of capture, escape, and recapture without revealing any significant narrative. The movie drowns in its absence of a solid core and perceivable fear. Themes such as social isolation, lingering trauma, and the pursuit of redemption only faintly echo amidst a tumultuous storm of exhausting sequences. “No One Will Save You” is a slow-burning affair that yearns for acceleration. Dever, offering a wholly physical performance, bears the emotional weight within her actions and subtle facial transitions. But while her expressive offering is palpable, it is overshadowed by the overused, alien-driven segments that dilute the film’s emotive endeavors. Although the creative ambitions of the film are evident and Dever remarkably holds her own, the overall realization of the movie fails to do justice to both. When insights into the backdrop are finally offered, it's too tardy and perfunctory to justify the preceding ambiguity. The originality embedded within the opening incident dissipates throughout the unfolding scenes, and while it aspires to carve out a niche as a thought-provoking sci-fi adventure, “No One Will Save You” falls short in providing the essential context and artistic mastery to genuinely captivate and move its audience.