On her way from visiting her mother, college student Darby (played by Havana Rose Liu) gets stuck with a group of people at a rest stop during a dangerous blizzard. Things turn for the worst when Darby discovers a child in a car held against their will, thus triggering a problematic dilemma.
The Review
Adapted from a 2017 novel by Taylor Adams, "No Exit" mostly registers as a diverting thriller.
We are introduced to five characters playing a rousing game of B.S. B.S for those unfamiliar, it is a game revolved around bullsh*tting. It's a game of bluff in layman's terms.

This was a fun pot device because it makes you (the viewer) think about who is responsible for the kidnapping.
This movie has a myriad of plot twists and turns that will keep you stuck to the seat of your edge. The "final girl" Liu is a complex character who uses her smarts to get the better of the main villain in the movie.
Watch or Not
I absolutely loved this movie. The book is a little better, but the movie is still fantastic. It had a cliché plot device of the characters crashing while driving in the snow, but it doesn't drag the movie down.
If you are looking for a suspense-thriller movie, I recommend watching this.
It doesn't reinvent anything, but it doesn't bore you to sleep.
This movie gets an easy B-.