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Marvel’s What If? Episode 4 Review

Another week and another episode of Marvel’s What…If? (What If, from now on) Is available on Disney Plus. This week, we’ll take a look at episode 4 about Dr. Strange, how it fits with the previous episodes and what it might tell us about future movies or series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).

The Series Setup

Just a quick refresher on what the heck this series is all about. It probably isn’t a coincidence that this series came out after the events of the Loki Series. That show gave us our first true glimpse into the concept of the multiverse and unleashed it on the MCU.  The series is built on the concept of exploring differing branches in the multiverse, where key characters made different choices, leading to often very divergent realities. 

The series is narrated by The Watcher, a powerful being who can observe all the different universes, but never interfere. So, each week gives us a story set in a universe that is slightly or drastically different from the one we know from the MCU movies and series thus far.

One key thing to note. It appears that every episode of What If? will represent an entirely different universe. So, each episode is self-contained and does not cross over into the others. At least this is the case through 4 episodes. Clearly, this could change in future episodes. 

Previous Episodes

In episode 1, we saw Peggy Carter become Captain Carter when Steve Rodgers was injured prior to taking the super-soldier serum. Rodgers then actually became a 1940s version of Iron Man instead, when Howard Stark created an early suit for the heroic young soldier. 

In episode 2, T’Challa was mistakenly taken by the Ravagers instead of Peter Quill. T’Challa went on to become a very different version of Star-Lord, who convinced Thanos to put aside his plans to kill half the universe and turned the Ravagers into a Robin Hood-style organization. 

Marvel’s What If? Episode 4 Review

Episode 3 took a dark turn, as we saw each of the original Avengers (Thor, Iron Man, Hawkeye, Hulk, and possibly Black Widow) be assassinated prior to Nick Fury being able to bring them all together. The culprit was a vengeful Hank Pym, whose daughter had chosen to join SHIELD in this universe and died in the line of duty. He took his revenge on Fury, by killing the Avengers before they could ever be formed. The episode ended as Fury and Captain Marvel appeared ready to find Captain America frozen in the ice. 

The Setup for Episode 4

Episode 4 of What If? gives us an alternate look at the story of Dr. Strange. In the official MCU, Strange lost the use of his hands in a car accident and then went searching for answers, which led him to study the mystical arts with the Ancient One. In this episode, we actually get something slightly different than a single decision that changes everything. In this story, Dr, Strange is a bit less of a jerk and keeps his relationship with Christine and they are still a couple on the fateful day he crashes his car. Instead of hurting his hands, Christine dies in the accident. This becomes the impetus for Strange to seek out the mystic arts, and through what we assume is the storyline through at least the end of the movie Doctor Strange, he follows the same path. But, that loss never leaves him and he decided to use the Time Stone to bring her back. It doesn’t work initially. His repeated attempts draw the attention of the Ancient One in the past timeline and she tries to stop him. She explains that some events are set in time and cannot be changed. In this universe, Christine’s death is such an event, as Strange tries many times to change it, but the universe keeps finding ways to kill her. 

However, Dr. Strange is able to escape and go further into the past to study lost magical arts that eventually lead to stealing power from other mystical beings to eventually give him the power to bring her back. We watch him consume being after being, stealing their power and clearly losing his sanity and humanity along the way. We learn that the Ancient One actually split the timeline in that universe, letting one Strange go off on his quest while the other remained. She explains that if he succeeds in bringing her back he will destroy their entire universe. The two Stranges face-off and evil Strange wins. He succeeds in bringing back Christine, but only briefly, at the cost of the entire universe being destroyed in the process. He communicates with the Watcher, who he has perceived as still being in existence, while all else is destroyed. But, the Watcher explains that he can never interfere with the events of the universe and time, and uses Strange as the example of why he will never do it.

In the end, Strange exists by himself in a tiny crystallized piece of the collapsed universe, expressing his sorrow.  

While Some Things Change…

While the events of this What If episode likely won’t play any direct role in future MCU content, one aspect just might. From the trailer for Spide-Man: No Way Home, it appears that Doctor Strange will attempt something similar to mess with the timeline. He will try to help Peter Park change the universe so that no one knows his secret identity. It appears with will break parts of the multiverse open, as we know we will see characters from the other past Spider-Man movies make an appearance.