In the first episode of "In Case of Emergency," we are introduced to Cuoco's unfortunate drunkard friend, Cassie. We begin by seeing that Cassie awakens the following day to find him dead after a fling with a sketchy traveler in Bangkok.
The Flight Attendant Season 1 Episode 1 Recap
One of the most strange things about this show is that it affirms that Cassie is severely irresponsible and tends to rehash rather wacky schemes, but it also throws doubt on whether she's as intelligent as she claims to be. I can't tell what a gimmick in her character or bad writing is.
For example, minutes after meeting Michiel's passenger, Alex Sokolov, Cassie has one mile-high flirtation with him, which appears ill-advised because she's working on the flight.
Cassie and Alex love their time together, and then the following day, she wakes up next to him, and he is dead.
The first thing she does is call Annie, which seems smart, given that she is concerned about Amanda Knox, but then she proceeds to clean up the crime scene anyway, presumably incriminating herself even more.
The Flight Attendant Season 1 Episode 1 Review: Watch Or Pass
This episode is ALL OVER THE PLACE. Not a good start for this show.
An "okay" episode.
3 out of 5.