The final season of Ozark, produced by Netflix, begins with an unbelievable bang. Literally. The Byrdes, as they drive their minivan, engage in small talk with assorted other motorists.
Marty (played by Jason Bateman) then attempts to steer clear of crashing at once with a semi-truck. Unfortunately, he loses control of the vehicle. The minivan then flips over several times, rolling over the roadway on its side.
The episode jumps back to the previous episode where season three ended, with Marty and Wendy (played byLaura Linney) visiting Omar Navarro (played by Felix Solis).
The last episode of season three saw Helen Pierce (played by Janet McTeer), who was trying to sabotage Marty and Wendy, killed by one of Navarro's underlings.
Ozark Season 4 Episode 1 Recap
Marty, along with Wendy, is introduced to Javier Elizonndro (played by Alfonso Herrera). After making small talk, Javi jumps right into the business with questions about Darlene Snell.
In the closing credits, Marty is surprised to see Javi at the casino; Javi wishes to see an update on Darlene. Marty warns him that the casino is full of feds, so Javi recommends that they go home.
Javi tells Marty and Helen that he initially wanted them dead when he first heard they disagreed with Helen, but he consents to his uncle's request.
Ozark Season 4 Episode 1 Review: Watch or Pass?
An exceptional first episode.
4 out of 5 stars.
This is a watch.