Paramount+ presents 'Landman', a new series from the renowned filmmaker Taylor Sheridan. The show revolves around the oil industry in West Texas and takes viewers through the lives of a varied cast of characters. The main character is an oil worker played by Billy Bob Thornton who skillfully navigates the complexities, downfalls, and grandeur of this industry.
The series is filled with big stars, ambitious drama, unexpected comedic moments and a large group of characters, each with their unique traits. Taylor Sheridan, who acts as both the writer and director, delivers his most personal work to date in a show marked by its audacious approach to storytelling.
Drawing heavily on the masculine energy synonymous with the oil industry, 'Landman', tells the story of Tommy Norris (Billy Bob Thornton), a talented oil worker serving a multi-faceted role for an independent oil company run by the astute Monty (played by Jon Hamm). A troubled character, Tommy deals with a host of personal issues ranging from alcoholism to family discord, often accentuated by his passionate speeches about the oil industry.
Cami (Demi Moore), Monty’s wife, also makes a notable appearance in the series with her role being highlighted less for her performances and more for her lack of screen presence. The enigmatic Rebecca (Kayla Wallace) serves as a character representative of the professional female class in this testosterone-fueled world of oil barons.
The plot incorporates numerous elements, including a mixture of drama and comedy. Paramount scenarios involving planes colliding with trucks, dangerous oil rigs causing accidents, and a chaotic working environment, set the backdrop of events.
The crux of the narrative deals with Tommy Norris. His character has to navigate an increasingly hostile environment and juggle multiple work obligations with his challenging personal life. Whether it’s Thornton’s talent for turning challenging dialogues into relatable situations or his on-screen chemistry with Ali Larter, all contribute to humanising the seemingly rigid character of Tommy Norris.
The series has touched many facets of the oil industry while encapsulating the raw energy of sheridan's storytelling. The macho dominance focusses on the ugliness of people who get rich too fast, the struggle of people who go bust too soon, and the resilience of those who endure despite the odds. It strikes a chord with its targeted audience while retaining the essence of a traditionally masculine industry. 'Landman' is a fitting addition to Taylor Sheridan's portfolio that beautifully combines complexity, drama, and a dash of humor.