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Inventing Anna Episode 9

In the last episode of the series, we wrap up with the trial. Here’s a recap of Todd’s story.


Trial day is almost upon us and Todd meets with Anna to go over their notes. The big charges including Fortress, Citi National Bank, and Rachel Williams, they might have a case against, but not the small hotel infractions.

That’s the boring stuff though. Anna would like to know what she needs to wear. Clearly, she needs a stylist for this big occasion.

The Trial

In the first hearing of the trial, Anna already gets on the judge’s bad side by holding up proceedings due to wardrobe. When she’s finally ready, she anticipates walking out to a courtroom full of press. But aside from Vivian, Neff, and Kayce, it’s essentially empty. 

Todd pitches the jury: there’s a little bit of Anna in all of us. Everyone has their own brand they project out onto the world. It’s about fake it ‘till you make it. 

Neff starts an Instagram account solely for the purpose of putting Anna Delvey’s court fashion on full display. And it works. Her trial gains press attention if not for the premise of what she’s on the stand for, then for what she’s wearing. 

When Rachel is called to the stand, she delivers a very compelling testimony that clearly earns the jury’s sympathy. On the brink of losing, Todd and Anna get into a screaming match and cuss each other out. 

But the next day is Todd’s turn to cross examine Rachel. He fires off questions at her that shed light on how Rachel has now taken advantage of the situation. She’s not the real victim like she makes herself out to be. Todd ousts her sting operation with the NYPD that got Anna arrested in LA. 

Inventing Anna Episode 9

He also reveals to the court that she is getting $300,000 for writing a book on Anna, plus a TV deal. Also, it turns out that AMEX took care of the $62,000 that Rachel owed giving the publicity of the trial. So she really was after the money all this time. 

Before the last day of the trial, Todd fights with his wife over his obsession with the case. He’s faced with divorce if he continues to place Anna over his family. In closing statements, Todd argues for Anna’s innocence at the expense of her business reputation, which was honestly the only thing she cared about. 

The Verdict

The jury deliberates and decides that she is guilty on all charges except for two: attempted grand larceny for trying to secure her financial loan, and as well as attempted grand larceny for the $62,000 she took from Rachel Williams. She is sentenced to 4-12 years.

Anna manges a thank you to Todd and offers a handshake. About to leave on his family vacation (or face divorce), Todd realizes he can’t abandon Anna and turns back. He finds her in a corner. She still truly believes that she was dangerously close to making ADF a reality. She wants to be a real player. 


Vivian’s piece is the best story The Manhattan has ever seen. They want her to write a follow-up cover story and offer her an office. But Vivian walks out – she’s struggling with just being another one of Anna’s cons. She and Todd also feel guilty for having careers that are clearly benefiting from Anna’s demise. They genuinely cared for her. 

At Rikers, Anna puts up a final good front before she’s transferred. She tells Vivian they are not friends. Vivian made good on her part of the deal to make her famous, but it was still a transaction. 

As Anna is escorted out, she reaches her hand out one last time and tells Vivian to come visit.