The Warden tells Jefferson his Execution date.
Mary asks Harry to reconsider confessing, but Harry says it’ll save Ben.
The police tell Harry about Ed’s suicide and want to talk about the note. Harry tells Janice about Ed and promises to let her go if Ben is cleared. Janice says she and Harry have a deal, hoping an eavesdropping Mary will doubt Harry. Ben asks about Janice and heads to his girlfriend’s. Harry panics, unaware Ben knows about Janice’s purse.
Dylan tells Jefferson that Dylan’s Execution was delayed because he requested an unavailable Buddhist at his execution.

Harry tells Janice that Mary will have a phone and be with Janice during the police visit. Janice asks Harry not to gag her. He leaves, and she hits her head on the pipe, figuring Harry and Mary will blame each other. Mary comes downstairs, and Janice suggests Mary gag her. Mary refuses. Harry reads the note aloud, and Janice acts like she’s going to yell. So, Mary gags her. The police blame Harry for protecting a pedophile.
Jefferson admits to stressing about his Execution to Dylan. He uses Dylan’s trick and then tells the Warden he’ll provide more information about his wife’s murder if his Execution is delayed.
Ben comes home. Mary sends an apologetic email. Janice tells Harry that Mary wants to kill her, but Harry says he won’t let it happen. Mary gets a leaky heater from the garage, while Ben gets the keys to the basement. Mary leaves.
Harry puts the heater in the basement as Ben hides, tapes it around the basement door to prevent fumes from escaping upstairs, and turns on the stereo. Ben pounds on the door while Mary calls to tell Harry the call to Janice’s sister was a trap. View Inside Man on Netflix.