With Marvel’s Black Widow in theaters, it’s probably good timing for Netflix to release its own female assassin flick - Gunpowder Milkshake. However, the connection to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is more obvious with the fact that the lead character, Sam is played by Kaen Gilan - best known for playing Nebula in various MCU films, including Avengers: Endgame. While you might not immediately recognize her, since she is disguised under a lot of makeup as Nebula, once you hear her voice you will recognize her instantly.
What’s it About?
The film is the story of Sam, an assassin by trade, following in her mother’s footsteps. We initially meet a younger Sam on the night her mother went on the run after killing the wrong people, leaving Sam to be raised by her employer - The Firm. Fast forward 15 years and Sam is now The Firm’s top problem-solver (i.e. assassin).
We see her finishing up a job which unexpectedly turns into a bloodbath when unexpected guests arrive. We learn that one of those now deceased guests was the son of a powerful crime lord, who is now bent on vengeance.
Meanwhile, Sam is sent on another mission, to kill a thief and retrieve the money he stole from The Firm. After shooting him, she learns that he only stole the money to pay off the kidnappers who took his daughter. This hits a nerve with Sam, who feels abandoned by her own mother. So, she takes the thief to a local urgent care facility set up for the criminal underworld and then takes the money to pay off the kidnappers herself. The Firm is not pleased and orders her to bring in the money.
Sam heads off to meet the kidnappers but first has to take care of a few Firm goons that are sent to retrieve her. She promptly take care of the three enforcers, using whatever she has on hand, including a bowling ball (since the fight takes place in a bowling alley). Shortly thereafter, she retrieves the girl (Emily) from the kidnappers, then tracks them down and kills them, as they are in the midst of double-crossing each other. In the fight, the money is blown up, leaving Sam in a difficult situation.
Sam is now largely out of options, but takes the girl back to the criminal urgent care, in hopes of dropping her off with her father. Unfortunately, the three goons from the bowling alley went there for treatment and have enlisted the doctor’s aid in taking down Sam when she returns. A unique fight plays out after Sam is injected with something that numbs both of her arms. She is able to eventually take down the goons more permanently, escaping with Emily, who drives the getaway vehicle. One sad piece of news comes to light at the hospital, as Emily’s dad didn’t survive.
A Family Reunion

By now it’s petty clear this movie is a bit all over the place. The violence, while a key part of the film, is more cartoonish than truly disturbing - no matter how bloody it gets. Things don’t always hang together very well, but it seems like a fun, comedy-violent romp. As Sam heads off on the run, her boss at The Firm gives her an address, promising there is a package there that can help her survive, but it’s the last favor he can provide. Turns out the package is her mom (Scarlet), who has been living in hiding for 15 years. By now The Firm has washed its hands of Sam and given her location to the crime boss whose son she murdered as a way of keeping the peace between their organizations.
Sam, Scarlet, and Emily escape the mob of crime lord stooges and make their way to… the library.
Not your Average Library
The library turns out to be run by 3 women who are apparently arms dealers or possibly assassins themselves. They know Sam because she and her mom stayed there when she was young. There’s a lot of history here that goes unexplained, but we don’t need to worry about that as the story keeps moving forward.
The criminal gang descends on the library and we get an epic gun, knife, chain, hatchet, etc. fight where most of the criminals are killed, along with one of the librarians. One gang member escapes after taking Emily. Sam offers her life for Emily’s, setting up the finale in a little diner where criminals go to meet on neutral turf (no guns allowed).
The crime boss tells Sam her end is going to be very painful and he is going to make Emily watch. Not part of the deal, obviously. But, as it turns out, Scarlet and the remaining librarians have something to say as they infiltrate the diner and start a shootout with the gunless gang members. In the end, the entire gang gets their comeuppance. We get a final scene to tie up loose ends, where Sam settles things with The Firm (non-violently) to go their separate ways, and our heroes drive off into the sunset, with Emily as a young protege.
Watch it or Not?
This is a tough one. It’s not a good movie. But, it was fun. Set your expectations on the lower end of the scale, accept the silly parts without questioning them too much, and you may find that you had an enjoyable time. But, then you can promptly forget the movie and move on with your life. Check out Gunpowder Milkshake on Netflix.