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Glamorous - Season 1, Episode 8 Recap

In the eighth installment of "Glamorous" Season 1, the central character Marco is delighted about officially being in a relationship. He and his new boyfriend Parker are delving deep into their bond, marked by a whirlwind of explorations and intimacy.

See Also: Glamorous - Season 1, Episode 7 Recap

Excitement grows as Parker extends an invitation to Marco for a Fourth of July celebration with his friends out of town. This proposition brings both thrill and nervous anticipation for Marco. He considers what this implies for their relationship and his fear of not fitting in with Parker’s friends. Nonetheless, Parker assures Marco of a warm reception.

Before heading out of town, Marco assists Madolyn, his boss, in preparing for a trip. She is pondering over the decision related to a deal involving Vendemiaire, causing an unsettling atmosphere in the office. Madolyn appears unperturbed, promising Marco a solution soon. Interestingly, Marco observes Teddy’s absence from the office, yet Madolyn remains tight-lipped about it.

Returning to the office, Marco encounters Chad, Madolyn's son, who is desperate to understand his mother's thoughts on the deal. He tries to rope in Marco to sway Madolyn’s decision, believing Marco might hold key insights. However, Venetia steps in, sending Marco home early, claiming everything is under control. In reality, she is conspiring with Mykynnleigh to pressurize Madolyn into approving the deal, handing Mykynnleigh the Glamorous Formula archive as part of their scheme.

Before setting off for his weekend getaway, Marco meets Ben, who has been somewhat distant since a recent event. Although Ben assures Marco of his wellbeing, he secretly harbors feelings for Marco. Marco casually informs him about his weekend plans and departs.

Chad, leveraging Ben's affection for Marco, convinces him to reveal Marco's weekend itinerary and join him in keeping an eye on Marco. Chad hopes to capitalize on the opportunity to influence Marco regarding Madolyn's decision.

Meanwhile, an enthusiastic Marco chats with his mother, Julie, while packing. In spite of her advice to be himself, Marco misinterprets and decides on a 'make-under', arriving at Parker's place almost unrecognizable.

Arriving at the destination, Marco discovers one of the attendees is Parker's ex. The revelation amplifies Marco’s resolve to make a good impression. His anxiety escalates when Ben and Chad unexpectedly show up to join them.

In a bid to impress Parker's friends, Marco ends up striking a deal with Chad, asking him not to reveal his relationship status with Parker to Ben. Despite Chad's advice that Marco should be true to himself, Marco's sole focus is to shield Ben from the truth and prevent potential hurt.

Marco’s efforts to win over Parker's friends don't kick off smoothly but are not a complete disaster. Following his endeavors, Parker’s ex warns Marco about Parker's possessive nature, insisting it's Marco's responsibility to always keep Parker content.

Post a successful performance from the Chicago musical, Marco invites Chad and Ben to join them for an afterparty. The evening takes a bitter turn when Parker, fuelled by jealousy, discloses that he and Marco have only been official for a week and that Marco labeled Ben as 'pathetic'.

Marco attempts damage control, but an irate Ben gives him a piece of his mind, unearthing some harsh realities that catch Marco off-guard. The episode highlights Marco's poor judgement of character and his blind willingness to change himself for someone like Parker.

Meanwhile, Chad's manipulative side emerges yet again, and now Ben is forced to reassess his feelings for Marco. But Chad, albeit unaware, was just looking to salvage the company.

Madolyn's decision on the Vendemiaire deal remains unknown in this episode, as doesthe impact of Venetia's deceit. It's questionable what Venetia's thought process was, as entrusting Mykynnleigh, a notorious figure, was visibly risky. As viewers eagerly await the next episode, they are left wondering about the fallout of Venetia's actions, the consequences of Marco's choices, and the future of the company.

Glamorous is now streaming on Netflix.