Amy and Lino are in their garden in the fall of 2006, eighteen months after Lino begins his chemotherapy trial. Lino calls his father to ask about planting cabbage next to sage. Giacomo asks about his son’s next doctor’s appointment and hopes Lino will hear good news.
At the appointment, the doctor announces the cancer is gone, but Lino still needs check-ups every three months. Lino and Amy celebrate with her parents, but when Lino calls his parents, he learns his father has died of a heart attack.
Amy and Lino decide to start their family, but Amy doesn’t like having to use IVF. Amy and Lino visit an adoption agency but worry they may never have a child.
Zora and Ken marry in the spring of 2007. Zora gives Amy a bridesmaid’s gift. Amy is sad about receiving baby-related gifts before she and Lino have a child. Zora tells Amy not to give up.

Minutes after the wedding, the adoption agency tells Amy and Lino to come to the hospital. They meet the birth mother and take their daughter, Idalia, home. They adjust well to parenthood, and Amy returns to work to support the family while Lino stays home with Idalia.
In the fall of 2011, Idalia begins preschool. Work has kept Amy from spending more time with Idalia. She admits she feels like a bad mom and is jealous of Lino’s relationship with Idalia. Lino begins offering cooking classes, and Amy spends more time with Idalia and works on her art.
Lino and Amy have been worried every time Lino has a doctor’s appointment. Lino schedules an appointment early when he feels something might be wrong. Afterward, he takes Amy on a date and tells her about the appointment later in the evening. Watch on Netflix.