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Florida Man - Season 1, Episode 4 Recap

Episode four of Florida Man opens with Mike and Delly in a standoff with Deputy Sheriff Ketcher. Ketcher is armed with a gun, and he is demanding that Mike hand over the gold. Mike refuses, and the two men face off.

See Also: Florida Man - Season 1, Episode 3 Recap

Just when it seems like things are about to go south, Iris arrives on the scene. She tells Ketcher that she knows the truth about what happened to Moss Yankov, and she threatens to expose him if he doesn't back down. Ketcher is forced to give up, and he is arrested.

With Ketcher out of the way, Mike and Delly are finally able to get their hands on the gold. They load it up into a truck and head for the nearest airport. However, they are not the only ones who are interested in the gold.

Sonny, the local bar owner who had been helping Delly find the gold, is also after it. He sends his men after Mike and Delly, and a chase ensues. Mike and Delly are able to outrun Sonny's men, and they make it to the airport.

Just as they are about to board a plane, Sonny's men catch up to them. A shootout ensues, and Mike is wounded. Delly is able to get Mike on the plane, and they escape just in time.

The episode ends with Mike and Delly on a plane to a new life. They have the gold, and they are finally free from Sonny and Ketcher. However, they know that their troubles are not over. There are still people who want the gold, and they will stop at nothing to get it.

Here are some of the key takeaways from the episode:

  • Mike and Delly are finally able to get their hands on the gold, but they are not out of danger yet.
  • Sonny is still after the gold, and he will stop at nothing to get it.
  • Mike is wounded in the shootout, but he is able to escape with Delly.
  • Mike and Delly are finally free from Sonny and Ketcher, but they know that their troubles are not over.
  • Mike and Delly's relationship is tested in this episode. They are both under a lot of stress, and they are starting to get on each other's nerves. However, they ultimately come together and work together to overcome the challenges they are facing.
  • Sonny is a dangerous man. He is willing to do whatever it takes to get what he wants, and he is not afraid to use violence. He is a threat to Mike, Delly, and anyone else who gets in his way.
  • The gold is a symbol of freedom for Mike and Delly. It represents a chance to start a new life, away from the problems that they have been dealing with. However, the gold is also a source of danger. It is attracting the attention of people who are willing to do anything to get it.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger, and it will be interesting to see how things unfold in the next episode. Will Mike and Delly be able to keep the gold safe from Sonny and his men? Will they be able to start a new life together? Only time will tell.

The next episode of Florida Man is sure to be exciting. It will be interesting to see how Mike, Delly, and Sonny's stories unfold. Will Mike and Delly be able to keep the gold safe? And will Sonny be able to get his hands on it? Will Mike and Delly be able to start a new life together? Only time will tell.

Florida Man is now streaming on Netflix.