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Florida Man - Season 1, Episode 2 Recap

Episode 2 of Florida Man opens with Delly faking her own death. She had been having an affair with Mike, a former cop and gambling addict who is now working for a mob boss named Moss. Moss had sent Mike to Florida to find Delly and bring her back, but Delly had other plans. She knew that Mike would be looking for her, so she staged her death in order to throw him off her trail.

See Also: Florida Man - Season 1, Episode 1 Recap

Mike, meanwhile, is still searching for Delly. He goes to her apartment and finds that she's not there. He also talks to her friends and family, but no one knows where she is. Mike is starting to lose hope, but then he gets a break. He finds a man who saw Delly getting into a car with a man who looked like Moss.

Mike follows up on this lead and eventually tracks down Delly. She's hiding out in a small town in Florida, and she's not happy to see Mike. She tells him that she's done with him, and she asks him to leave her alone. Mike doesn't want to leave, but he knows that Delly is right. He has to let her go.

Mike leaves Delly and returns to Miami. He goes to see Moss and tells him that he couldn't find Delly. Moss is furious, but he eventually calms down. He tells Mike that he's going to give him another chance. He tells Mike to find the man who killed Delly, and he'll give Mike a reward.

Mike wants to find the man who killed Delly. He starts by talking to the police, but they don't seem to have any interest in helping him. Mike then decides to go to Delly's father, Sonny. Sonny is a former cop, and he knows a lot of people in the underworld. Mike thinks that Sonny might be able to help him find the killer.

Mike goes to see Sonny, and Sonny agrees to help him. He tells Mike that he knows a man who might be able to help him. The man's name is Gil, and he's a former member of the mob. Gil is in retirement, but he still knows a lot of people.

Mike goes to see Gil, and Gil tells him that he knows who killed Delly. He tells Mike that the killer is a man named Dutch. Dutch is a hitman, and he's been hired by Moss to kill Delly.

Mike is now on a mission to find Dutch and bring him to justice. He knows that it won't be easy, but he has to do it. He knows that if he can find Dutch, he can finally get some closure on Delly's death.

Mike tracks Dutch down to a bar in Miami. He confronts Dutch, and they have a fight. Mike eventually beats Dutch, and he brings him to the police. With Dutch in custody, Mike can finally start to move on with his life.

Mike's journey to find Delly's killer was not easy. He had to deal with the grief of losing her, the anger of knowing that she was murdered, and the danger of facing down a ruthless killer. But in the end, he was able to find justice for Delly and bring her killer to justice.

This episode of Florida Man was a powerful story about love, loss, and revenge. It was a well-written and well-acted episode that kept me engaged from beginning to end. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next in the series.

In addition to the main plot, there were a few subplots that were also developed in this episode. One subplot involved Mike's gambling addiction. Mike is a recovering gambling addict, and he's been struggling to stay sober. In this episode, he relapses and starts gambling again. This relapse has a negative impact on his relationship with Delly, and it also puts him in danger.

Another subplot involved Mike's relationship with his father, Sonny. Sonny is a former cop, and he's not happy with Mike's decision to work for Moss. In this episode, Sonny tries to convince Mike to leave Moss and come back to the straight and narrow. Mike is resistant at first, but he eventually agrees to leave Moss.

These subplots added depth and complexity to the story. They showed that Mike is a complex character who is struggling with a number of issues. They also showed that Mike is capable of change, and that he's willing to fight for what he believes in.

Overall, I thought this was a great episode of Florida Man. It was well-written, well-acted, and engaging. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next in the series.

Florida Man is now streaming on Netflix.