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Blink (2024) - Movie Review

Edith Lemay and Sebastian Pelletier, a Canadian couple blessed with four children, face a unique challenge as their three of their children suffer from retinitis pigmentosa, an incurable condition leading to progressive vision loss. To let their children cherish their visual memories, the couple embarks on a grand journey to show them the wonders of the world. This emotional documentary, backed by National Geographic, explores their journey while creating awareness about retinitis pigmentosa and the lived experience of visual impairment.

Edmund Stenson and Daniel Roher, known for his work on "Navalny," direct a film visualizing the narrative against the grandeur and indifference of the natural world. It opens with an epic panoramic shot of the family against a snowy backdrop, evoking scenes from "Lord of the Rings". The filmmakers aim at portraying a hopeful narrative, even in the face of a saddening and irreversible reality.

The directors humanely introduce each family member. Léo, nine, is imaginative and luckily without the condition. Mia, eleven, is the boss-type elder sibling. The eccentric Colin is six, and Laurent, the youngest at four, is regarded as a philosopher by his parents. The mothers' frankly admits to adopting a controlled-chaos approach to parenting.

Blink (2024) - Movie Review

The film spends time explaining retinitis pigmentosa, the process of retina cells gradually dying off. This results in the gradual shrinking of the visual field until total blindness occurs. A poignant moment arises when Laurent innocently admits he does not fully comprehend the meaning of going blind. The intensity of the planned world adventure may have eclipsed the necessary moment of contemplation over the harsh truth.

The film concludes that cherishing quality family time might overshadow witnessing awe-inspiring sights or exotic animals. This insight is reflected in the beautiful moments of the children playing, engaging in their own imaginary worlds. A particularly touching scene appears near the end when the children, soon to lose their sight, interact playfully with their soon-to-be guide dogs in training.