Episode 3 of Devil in Ogio begins with Suzanne leaving work early. As she walks up to her car, she sees the letter "A" written on it. Alongside her is Mae, who can stay with Suzanne for 90 days but must go to school.
Lopez updates Suzanne on everything going on with the investigation. The evidence so far has two fingerprints. One is Mae's, the other is unknown. The blood on the knife also matches Mae's clothing. The evidence is not enough for a warrant, but it is a start.
Lopez concludes that Mae's parents abused her, which would account for her running away and their failure to return for her.
Although she despises having to work with a shadow, Suzanne is optimistic about the situation. Eventually, Mae sees the A on the trunk of Suzanne's car and rushes to remove it before anybody else can see it.
Peter and Suzanne go to dinner, where he expresses worry about taking Mae home and buying school supplies. He's struggling financially and hasn't told his spouse.

The girls watch a movie on their date and Mae wounds Dani while "helping" her stretch. Afterward, she braids Jules' hair.
Mae tells Jules not to talk about her past or where she's from later that night. Jules tells her to "fake it till she makes it" before the pair get closer and Jules does her makeup for school.
Mae's mother Abigail named her a "blessed one" in a flashback.
At the hospital, Adele talks of a widespread urban legend in Amon town that holds that newborns are hung upside down from crosses to test their survival. As soon as Suzanne hears, she tosses it off and says it's implausible. "Have you ever been out to Amon County?" When confronted, Adele argues back.