I am on the cusp of the “millennial” genre. At 21 years old I feel half tied between the likes of “millennials” and “Gen-Z-ers.” I’m not sure where I belong quite honestly but having a bit of knowledge of the past and present feels like the right spot. I still impress the older crowd with my knowledge of music as I can recite every line of Saturday Night Fever (thank you, mom and dad), yet also keep up with every Twitter and TikTok reference. However, when it comes to movies, the only person I have to thank for that is my father - A true connoisseur of every classic movie to date. He showed me every movie I know, and they are all listed below.
For this article, I wanted to provide suggestions and opinions for these cult classics and just generally classic movies, but I figured the only person who could do them justice was my father. So here, I present to you the reviews of a culturally seasoned 55-year old.
(You can find all of these classic movies on Netflix. Parental discretion is advised).
- The Twilight Saga
- It kept me coming back to see the end.
- The characters were more aimed at younger audiences, but the drama kept me coming back for more.
- It’s a series that I would stop at flipping the channels, as long as there were no commercials.
- I am 100% team Jacob.
- Legally Blonde
- Funny and interesting.
- I think Witherspoon did a great job in the part. She will never be forgotten for this role… “Bend, and Snap!”
- Seen it once, don’t need to see it again, but my wife and daughters love it!
- Pan’s Labyrinth
- It is a wonderful fantasy film with great visuals.
- You must see it multiple times to understand the good and evil. I only saw it once.
- What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
- A very serious movie in my opinion. Kind of sad, so be aware and have a box of tissues on standby.
- DiCaprio was the star, but I only saw this movie once.
- The Little Rascals (1994)
- “Darla, I hate your stinking guts, you make me vomit. You’re the scum between my toes. Love, Alfalfa”
- A very cute movie for the kids, but if you saw the original Little Rascals (1920s), this might be a disappointment.
- The characters were cast good, but again, this is a reinvention of something that worked well for its time.
- The Karate Kid (I, II, III, IV)
- I would give the original Karate Kid 5 stars!
- Any sequel after would not do justice to the new Cobra Kai series on Netflix. This is the bomb for Baby Boomers.

- Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- There are too many funny lines in this movie, typical Monty Python. Hard to explain, but just funny and a must watch for comedy buffs.
- You have to stop flipping the channels when you run into this movie, because you don’t want to miss a single joke.
- Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
- "Here's the deal I'm the best there is. Plain and simple. I wake up in the morning and I piss excellence."
- This movie is too funny! I love it! Thank you, Will Ferrell.
- I would watch this classic movie every day of my life if I could.
- Charlie’s Angels
- Well, you can’t go wrong with beautiful actresses cast for the movie. But that might be the only enticing part.
- Saw it once, it was okay. Lots of action and adventure, which I enjoyed.
- Nacho Libre
- I saw parts of it. It was okay.
- I like Jack Black, but this was not one of my favorites. The jokes were kind of cheesy and predictable. But I think everyone has to see it at least once for a good laugh and to understand all of the references you will probably encounter in the future.
- Zathura
- This was a different take on Jumaji.
- It was good for a one-time view. I may have stopped to see it for a second while channel surfing.
- There were a lot of kids. Full of adventure, but hard to relate to. If I were a kid, I would have loved to play the board game, Zathura (what the movie is based on.) It would have fulfilled my love for space travel, which I typically get from watching Star Trek.
- Stuart Little
- Interesting the first time, but not a second time.
- I used to watch this with my kids and that was it. I couldn’t relate to after the age of 10.
- It’s very cute and family friendly, but if I had to watch a movie alone, this would not be it.
- A Series of Unfortunate Events (Jim Carey)
- Jim Carrey was great in all his roles. But not very funny at all.
- The film is too confusing to enjoy.
And there you have the latest from someone who grew up in the time of some of the most classic movies. As someone right in between the millennial and Gen-Z generations, my personal favorite would have to be Legally Blonde. It is simply a timeless classic movie that I highly recommend everyone to watch.
Sorry dad, but I have seen it about ten times, unlike your one time!