Two neighborhood kids, Evan and Trevin, harass the stores in the mall. They placed a beehive in the Blockbuster store. These Twins call Carol grandma, who doesn’t know what they’re doing. Percy wants Timmy to help get revenge on the Twins, but Timmy concentrates on the annual Halloween sales. Percy mentions the two months' rent Timmy owes. Timmy says he will pay it.
Meanwhile, Carol and Kayla investigate the mysterious circumstances around the death of Hannah’s mother. They wonder if her mother was a Shadow Lake serial killer victim since she matched his victims.
Percy plots revenge on the Twins, while Timmy talks about Eliza and his hangover recovery.
A new unpaid intern, Damon knows movies and competes with Carlos. Carlos feels threatened.
The Twins prank Eliza, and she joins Percy in plotting revenge. Timmy still focuses on Halloween sales.
Kayla and Connie believe Hannah’s mother was killed by the Shadow Lake killer. While Damon pulls ahead of Carlos in their competition because Damon knows more trivia and is nicer to his co-workers.

Timmy joins the revenge plotting after they hang an out-of-business sign on the store. Kayla suggests Timmy use the skylight to enter the store so the Twins don’t see him. Timmy tries it but falls through instead. Percy and Eliza enter through the front door. Carol runs over to check on Timmy but also falls. Eliza tells Carol that Timmy is okay and discusses Carol’s grandsons with her. Carol decides to put them in reform school.
Damon and Carlos admit to a mutual attraction.
Connie and Kayla tell Hannah their suspicions, but Hannah says it's not true.
Timmy apologizes for not spending time with Percy and agrees to go out for drinks. Then, Timmy discovers an eviction from Percy. That is the end of the friendship.