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Beef - Season 1, Episode 9 Recap

At the beginning of Beef episode 9, we witness Isaac’s release from prison, which makes things worse for Danny. When the road rage incident occurred, Danny was operating the vehicle, according to a woman who called the police.

See Also: Beef - Season 1, Episode 8 Recap

Amy is telling Jordana about the encounter she had with road rage there. She asks her to return the Tamago as well. Jordana comprehends Amy's motivation for lying and consents to her request. As partners, Naomi and Jordana are staying together, which implies that Jordana put her own brother in danger in order to win over his wife. Amy learns June is away from George.

Danny brings them back to Paul’s apartment, who is in shock to learn the truth. He is of the opinion they should give them back and Paul agrees. Just then, we see Isaac breaking in with Bobby and Michael and assaulting Danny.

The group gets Amber Alerts on their phones about a missing Asian girl with a husky. Isaac sees June and Luca and gets an idea to blackmail Amy for ransom. He calls her and asks for 500k in cash. Amy says it will take too much time for her to arrange the cash. In her panicky state, she tells Isaac about Jordana’s artifact collection. She calls it worth millions and gives him her address.

Amy requests Isaac to drive her daughter outside in her car and makes a promise not to call the police. They move closer to Jordana's home. June appears unconcerned about Danny and Paul in restraint because she is clearly enjoying herself. For the sake of their daughter, Amy asks George to keep the police out of this. He is speechless and unsure of what to do.

When June is in the car and outside, Amy instructs him to pick her up. He supports her strategy. When the doorbell rings, Isaac and Michael emerge from the shadows. The three women are in restraints while they demand pricey goods worth at least $10,000. "Everything in the home is worth over that," Jordana sneers.

While in the van, Paul is able to free himself and suffocates Bobby while Danny distracts June with a rhyming game. They place June and Luca in the car but Michael catches them. He brings them in places them with the ladies. Isaac asks Michael to put them outside in the courtyard. They force Amy to lie and put the blame on them for the robbery.

Naomi and Jordana start heading for the panic room as they set them outside. Jordana is being slowed down by Michael with the Tamago, but Naomi is well ahead. Naomi slams the door before Jordana has a chance to arrive out of concern that Michael may catch up.

The door does not have a safety pinch feature, so Jordana is cruelly between them when it closes, severing her body in two. Jordana passes away instantly.

As the door closes, gas emits into the entire house, blurring everyone’s vision. Isaac takes Amy at gunpoint and asks her to call the police and assign the blame to the brothers. She compiles with his request. Danny boosts Paul over the boundary and he is able to get on top but he cannot get Danny’s hand. As the police arrive, Danny asks Paul to leave but he refuses.

To make sure he abandons him, Danny tells Paul the truth about throwing away his college applications and the house. Paul is heartbroken and jumps over. Just then, a policeman encounters him and Danny hears shots fire. Paul does not respond to Danny’s voice, indicating he is shot dead. The police arrive at the house and the situation is resolved. Amy shockingly learns that June has been taken by George and he has switched off his phone.

Beef is now streaming on Netflix.